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Local 100+ Women Who Care raises over $250,000 to date for grassroots organizations

Gathering four times a year, Sault Ste. Marie’s 100+ Women Who Care group raises money for local non-profits and charities
Photo by Carole Stubinsky

The 100+ Women Who Care Sault Ste. Marie group was founded back in 2016 by five women determined to make a difference in the our community. 

Four times a year, 100+ women meet in a hosted space with the goal of raising at least $10,000 for a local registered charity, foundation or not-for-profit.

A new recipient is selected each meeting and the donations raised go directly to the local organization.

Hosting over 19 meetings since, 100+ Women Who Care Sault Ste. Marie has donated to organizations including Pauline's Place, Women In Crisis, No Limits Adaptive Ski Association, Meals on Wheels and more.

“We can accomplish what a year-long fundraiser can do in under one hour,” said Toni Lukenda, member of 100+ Women Who Care Sault Ste. Marie’s executive committee. 

Six years after the group’s inception, they are still going strong with their fundraising efforts for for essential programs and organizations in our community. 

At their most recent meeting at The Water Tower Inn, the 115 women in attendance raised $10,000 in one hour's time, in support of the Alzheimer Society and the Minds in Motion program. 

“Organizations like this raise awareness, donate to local charities in need and bring like-minded women together. I’m thankful to be part of such a generous community,” said Kyla Faganely, 100+ Women Who Care Sault Ste. Marie member. 

100+ Women Who Care Sault Ste. Marie is looking for community-minded women to grow its membership.

“We would love to make it 1,000 women,” said Lukenda.

Looking to attend the next meeting? Click here to learn about the organization and how you can join 100+ Women Who Care Sault Ste. Marie's mission. 

“I love the connection. I have met some amazing women in the community because of this initiative,” said Lukenda.

“Thank you to our sponsors and the members who stuck it through the pandemic. We appreciate the venue sponsors for hosting and making these meetings possible,” said Lukenda.

Nominate a local, grassroots organization here to be included on 100+ Women Who Care Sault Ste. Marie's selection list.  

“We survive because of socially conscious, compassionate and local women who are willing to join our events and donate to these charities,” said Lukenda.

Learn more about 100+ Women Who Care Sault Ste. Marie by visiting their website, Facebook and Twitter  pages. 


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Sheridan Worth, Community Cares team

About the Author: Sheridan Worth, Community Cares team

Sheridan is the Digitial Media Specialist and member of the Village Media Cares Team, whose mission is to create meaningful, long-lasting and positive change in the communities we serve.
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