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Sunday, November 2, 2014

On the 2nd of November 2014 at approximately 1:00pm Officers from Patrol Services attended a west end residence with regards to a domestic incident. Officers arrested a 56yrs old male for Assault and Threatening to Cause Bodily Harm.
On the 2nd of November 2014 at approximately 1:00pm Officers from Patrol Services attended a west end residence with regards to a domestic incident. Officers arrested a 56yrs old male for Assault and Threatening to Cause Bodily Harm. It is alleged the accused assaulted his common-law girlfriend by choking her with a blanket and threatened to throw her out the window of the residence. The accused will appear in Bail Court on Monday the 3rd of November 2014.
52 year old Ronald Forget of Lorna Drive was arrested for assault by City Police officers last night. It is alleged that Mr. Forget got into a taxi at Tim Horton’s on John St. He requested the cab driver take him as far as he could with the money Mr. Forget had on him. The cab took Mr. Forget to Lake and Queen St. and advised him that was as far as the fare would go. The accused was not happy with this and began punching the cab driver in the arm. Mr. Forget will be attending Provincial Court December 1st.

A 24 year old male will be appearing in Provincial Court December 3 after being arrested for assault last night by City Police officers in a domestic related incident. It is alleged, the male, and a female known to him were arguing at the female’s apartment when the accused struck the victim in the face area.