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Cullen Nutrition Simplified - 3 Gut-Friendly Meal Tips for Your Busy Schedule

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You're focused on balancing work, family, and personal commitments, but the struggle with energy, bloating, and brain fog is holding you back. You want to prioritize your health, but it feels overwhelming with everything else on your plate.

Here's three tips that can make all the difference:

  1. Batch cooking: Picture yourself on a Sunday afternoon, taking an hour to batch-cook high-fibre foods like quinoa, brown rice and roasted vegetables and high protein foods - salmon, chicken, boiled eggs. You portion them out, ready for the week. Now, when mealtime hits, you're not left staring into the fridge, wondering, "what should I make?" or hoping an answer will magically appear. Now, you’re not scrambling instead you are assembling quick nutritious meals that are good for your gut health.

  2. Smoothie packs: Morning can be such a busy time. Instead of skipping breakfast or grabbing a convenience food, prep a smoothie pack the night before. Fill it with frozen fruits, leafy greens and a scoop of fibre-rich chia seeds or flaxseeds. In the morning rush, just blend it with your favourite liquid, like almond milk, while you get dressed. You'll have a gut-friendly breakfast that fuels your day.

  3. Pre-cut your veggies: How often have you bought veggies, only to let them sit untouched in the fridge? It happens to all of us - whether your exhausted from a long day of work or rushing to get kids to their activities. Instead, when you bring your veggies home from the store, wash and cut them right away. Carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower are perfect for salad, stir fries or a quick snack.

These simple changes are more than just tips—they’re a strategy to help you stay on top of your health. By incorporating these gut-friendly habits into your routine, you’re not just supporting your digestive health; you’re boosting your energy levels and overall well-being, so you can keep up with the demands of your ambitious life.

If you're ready to take control of your health and need guidance on creating meals that work with your busy schedule, click above to book a call. Let’s work together to help you feel your best, inside and out.

Contact Tanya Cullen

Cullen Nutrition Simplified
Tanya Cullen
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