Working on a time machine in your basement?
We suggest you keep up on your flossing and brushing.
That is, if you plan on heading back to the past.
Especially anywhere between the late 1800s to the 1930s when they used the contraption pictured left.
If you listen closely, you might still be able to hear the screams.
Now that we think of it, you might want to get your hair done first as well.
From the Sault Ste. Marie Museum:
Everyone is aware of your smile.
We spend a lot of time trying to have the perfect smile with gleaming white teeth.
A trip to the dentist is never a joyous event but it is a far cry from the methods of years ago. The drill of today works at very high speeds.
This model from the late 1800s was used into the 1930s.
This model was manufactured by the S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Co.
It is a foot powered drill, the speed was governed by the dentist's foot and how much endurance they had to keep it at a constant speed.
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You can also check out LOCAL2's new Friday feature, The LOCAL2 Time Machine, which features historical images and video courtesy the Sault Ste. Marie Museum.