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A year without Nice Guy Bill



Robert William Hore (Oct 22, 1934 - Oct 4, 2020)

“The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” – Mark Twain

Well, Dad, it has been one full trip around the sun without you. We still cannot believe that you are gone, but apparently there are records at the courthouse that corroborate this. We hope that you’re up there enjoying a good beer and a round of crib in the company of Mom (Ruthie), Lucy a.k.a. “Top Cat”, and your good friend Jean. Though we’re sure you’re tired of hearing Mom complain about how you lied about your age by a year or two to marry her, all of us down here on earth sure are glad you did.

Your memory lives on forever in the stories and smiles shared around the campfires at Meenach Lake, and in the hearts of your family and friends. We love you and miss you every day!


Everyone who remembers Nice Guy Bill is asked to honour his memory by having a drink, telling your family and friends you love them, and getting your vaccinations to protect those you care about. Please do not be sad that Nice Guy Bill is gone (well, okay… maybe a little sad – he is gone after all), but instead be grateful if you had the interesting experience of meeting him, or someone just as intriguing. Share a story, share a laugh, share a smile.

P.S., where are those lottery numbers you promised us, Dad?