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BOISSONEAU, Victor Bernard



365 days 8760 long hours of missing you. Not a day has gone by where I don’t think of you or stare at your picture hanging on my wall. You were my favourite person, a person who I never imagined in my wildest dreams would move on to the spirit world.I miss everything about you! I miss your laughter, I miss hearing your voice, I miss watching you sing and play your guitar, I miss the the excitement my kids had driving to your house to see you ever other day, I miss our deep conversations, I miss you holding my hand when you felt lonely and wanted some comfort, but most of all, we miss your sweet gentle hugs that always made us feel so loved.

Your happy spirit was infectious to be around. I loved listening to all of your amazing journeys you have endured during your life, some happy, some sad, some lonely, some heartache, the funnies, the good and the bad and things I never even knew. I loved doing anything with you even if it was just sitting together watching tv while eating ice cream. You were a well liked person by your community. I always run into someone who always had such good things to say about you, it gives me great comfort knowing you are not forgotten. I am so blessed to have known such a strong man who lived through so much. It was an honour being your caregiver all these years, to which I hold closely in my heart.

You are no longer lonely and depressed, you are not longer suffering from your diabetes, you no longer have the many worries you’ve had, you are not longer hurting from all the people who have hurt. You are in the spirit world now, where you live freely, happily and not alone. I made a promise to you days before your passing, and I intend to keep it. Your beloved baby and best furry friend Winchester (Chester) is happy, healthy and living his days to the fullest here with me.
May you always Rest In Peace, you will never be forgotten.

With so much love, your sweet loving granddaughter Annette & Jayme, your great grandchildren and sweet little darlings as you’d call them Jayda, Kaylynn and Jayden.