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In loving memory of Frank, beloved husband, father, and Nonno, whose one-year anniversary occurs today, March 3, 2022. Sorely missed, always remembered, forever a part of us.

We cherish all of the beautiful things that came to be in this world because of you and all of the ways that we continue to find to “be” with you in our hearts. We find peace, knowing you are at peace. Tanti baci e abbracci. Noi ti amiamo cosi tanto.
Your ever-loving family,
Wife Barbara, children Elisa (Sam), Mary, Loredana, Anthony (Tianna), Silvana (Ron),
Frank (Melissa), and grandchildren Vincent, Mikaela, Talia, Mattea, Teo, Francesca, and Stella

“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.”