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November 14

It's been two years since you left that day,
Left speechless without one word to say.

It's better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all?
But now whose left to pick you up after you fall?

Not the time, not the days, not the months, not the years,
Nothing seems to stop the never ending tears.

You said to live life, but I just sat and cried,
You always said life doesn't stop because one has died.

We kept trying to move on, it just wasn't the same,
The pictures of you just now sit in a frame.

We never stop reminiscing, we talk about you still,
But there will always be that empty seat, one we can never fill.

Everything we see reminds us of you,
From the setting sun to the morning dew.

Your strength, your advice, your warm embrace,
Those things in life we can never replace.

We know you are up there with wine, family and cheers,
We promise to try to subside our tears.

Enjoy the peace we hope you feel,
We will still light our candle at every meal.

The light brings us peace with a small glow in the air,
Please always know how much we love and care.

Your values you taught us, the things you knew,
My children will know the great life you grew.

Mom still feels the unbearable pain,
Like a huge sinking weight, a heave chain.

I promised to help as much as I could,
I'm giving it all my all as I knew I would.

Family is everything you always did say,
Strong we will be until we meet again one day.

You were my hero from the day I could walk, if I could a kiss I would send,
Because not only were you my Dad but my best friend.

Written with love,
Your daughter Diana