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Your sons’ last words to you were “Thank you”

and now, twenty years later, your daughters-in-law would like to say the same.

We have hearts full of gratitude for you,

as we, perhaps, have benefited the most from everything that you modelled,

every lesson you taught and all your hard work…

We are married to men who show respect and kindness towards their mother every day, showing our children how a mother should be treated.

We share our life with husbands who put family first, and their wives above all.

We are raising families with fathers who are strong in character and soft-hearted in their love.

We have beautiful children who show ambition, a sense of humour, and a special love for each other.

Our table is crowded and although you are not physically sitting among us,

the legacy you left fills the whole room, our whole life, our everyday.

You would be so proud.

Thank you.

Your daughters-in-law,

Kristen, Deborah, Trina, and Connie
Along with Tony, Dave, Ronnie, and Robbie
And their children,
Emily, Joseph, Michael, Nicholas, Noah, Gabriel, Annabelle, Thomas, Geordie, Jonah, Oliver, and Indira