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Mathematics plan developed for Algoma board

2017-18 is the first year of a three-year plan
MathTeam(2) ADSB
(Pictured, from left to right) Jessica Corcoran, Melissa Euale and Rhonda Dillabough, educators from FH Clergue, shared the benefits they and their students enjoy through the Math Learning partnership.  Rhonda is a Math Learning Partner and she described how she and her colleagues co-teach, co-learn and co-plan together. Photo provided

The Algoma District School Board (ADSB) is involved in the first year of a three-year mathematics plan developed with support from the Ministry of Education’s Renewed Mathematics Strategy. The focus this year has been to engage educators with the board-wide implementation of a Scope and Sequence, provide professional learning to educators and administrators and to establish a school-based mathematics learning model with the role of Math Learning Partners.  

The Scope and Sequence provides teachers with a long range plan for teaching the mathematics curriculum. The organization of mathematics strands within the Scope and Sequence provides for teaching consistency to support students’ learning of mathematics across the Algoma District School Board. Educators and administrators have been engaged in using the Scope and Sequence to support further development of curriculum and content knowledge with the use of Ministry and board resources. 

To date professional learning and support for mathematics has been delivered:

  • to the district during Professional Development days;
  • at two of four scheduled professional learning sessions for teachers of Grades 3 and 6 across the district;
  • during regular professional learning sessions for the Math Learning Partners; and
  • for Administers at Principal meetings. 

Teachers in the Math Learning Partner role provide school-based support in the classroom for students while engaging educators in mathematics co-planning and co-teaching and co-learning. This model supports ‘just in time’ learning for all mathematics learners creating a community of mathematics learners within a school. 

Deb King, the board’s system administrator in the area of School Effectiveness & Student Success K-6/K-8 and Joe Caruso, secondary numeracy lead attended Tuesday night’s board meeting and provided trustees with an overview of the initiatives for supporting mathematics in grades 3 and 6. They were joined by several educators who provided the math learning experience from a teacher’s perspective. Rhonda Dillabough is a Math Learning Partner and she helped to describe what her role is within a classroom. Jessica Corcoran and Melissa Euale are teachers who shared benefits they and their students enjoy through the partnership. 

Educator feedback throughout the course of the year will help to refine the goals and strategies for learning and teaching mathematics moving forward. 
