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Tractor Trot sets all-time record (24 photos)

Greg Gilbertson brought 33 of the 134 tractors at the trot

The 21st Annual Canada Day Tractor Trot blew all previous records with a total of 134 tractors registered up from 117 in 2016.

Tractors, drivers and spectators alike donned red and white to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday, waving flags, wearing shirts, ties, hats, glasses and a bandana. One driver showed off her red and white flower arrangement.

The annual event, which began with an idea, has grown nearly eight times the size from the small, intimate group that drove their antique tractors into Richards Landing two decades ago.

It took nearly 40 minutes to empty the parking lot of the Royal Canadian Legion James Harten Memorial Centre in Richards Landing, and about two hours for the last of the tractors to return. 

As traditions has it, Jeanne Arthurs delivered the brief history how the Tractor Trot came to be. Four friends decided to drive their antique tractors into Richards Landing on the morning of Canada Day to Ann's Cafe', now known as Camille's, for coffee.

"This became a Canada Day tradition," Arthurs said.

Lloyd Schell passed away in 2015 and, sadly, Arthurs added, the original group lost a second founding member a little over six months ago. Gerry Hawdon passed away in December 2016. 

Hawdon, with his enthusiasm for old tractors and cars, will always be remembered, Arthurs added.

"Over the years, Lloyd, Gord, Gerry and Ed invited more and more people to join them," Arthurs said. "In fact, they invited so many people they quickly outgrew Ann's Cafe. The legion offered to host a pancake breakfast and here we are 21 years later."

A total of 611 pancake breakfast meals were served this year by many volunteers' hands.

"The tractor trot has grown so big, we approached the Township of St. Joseph for help with insurance," Arthurs said. "The township voted to include the tractor trot in their insurance policy. We are very, very thankful for their interest in this event. We trust this will ensure the tractor trot will continue for many years to come."

On the municipal website, it reads that council passed the resolution at its May 17 meeting and has assumed the role as host of the event, as well, has appointed an organizing committee comprised of Ed and Jeanne Arthurs and Gord and Gloria Hawdon. 

Tractor drivers must be 16 years or older.

A huge thank you was extended to the many businesses who donated prizes. A total of 26 businesses and individuals also donated various prizes.

This year, the committee was able to hand out 'goody bags' for each driver, as well drivers had a chance at one of the many donated items. 

This year also saw volunteers wearing reflective vests for added safety donated by Gilbertson's Enterprise.

"Above all we want to thank the tractor drivers that make this event what it is," Arthurs said. "It takes a lot of time and effort to get your tractors ready and haul them here. A special shout out goes to Greg Gilbertson. Today he shared his passion for old tractors by bringing 33 treasures to the tractor trot."

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Donna Schell

About the Author: Donna Schell

Donna Schell is a longtime St. Joseph Island resident and freelance journalist who has been covering the Island and surrounding area for nearly two decades.
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