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A walk to break history

NEWS RELEASE ONTARIO TRAILS COUNCIL **************************** CALL TO ACTION Let's make History! RECORD BREAKING WALK September 30th, 2006 12:00pm EST (11 AM Central) Rain or Shine! Trails Across Ontario We are excited to announce that on Septembe





Let's make History!


September 30th, 2006

12:00pm EST (11 AM Central)

Rain or Shine!

Trails Across Ontario

We are excited to announce that on September 30th, 2006 at 12 Noon EST sharp (11 AM Central), in conjunction with the Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion & Parks & Recreation Ontario, The Ontario Trails Council is attempting to break a Guinness Book of World Records (GBWR) for the most number of participants in a simultaneous 1 KM walk/hike.

We need your help!

We are looking for support from communities across Ontario in helping us to achieve this world record. Every day thousands of people across Ontario walk and hike on trails. Our goal is to attempt to break the world record by having over 78,000 people walk/hike simultaneously on a series of 1 KM trails across Ontario. The last record for the most participants in a simultaneous walk/hike was set in Singapore in 2000 with 77,500 participants. This provincial promotion will encourage individuals, families, schools, and organized groups, clubs within your community to get out and get active!

How can I help?

The Ontario Trails Council and partners are seeking pro-active ambassadors to assist in their attempt. Such an undertaking requires the assistance of many volunteers, starting with YOU! Your interest in becoming an Event Lead and representing the trail in your community is integral to the success of this endeavour. Event Leads will act as the coordinator of your local event and be responsible for event organization, tracking and auditing of the participants, and community awareness. We encourage you to organize a team of volunteers to assist you in the logistics of coordination as well as to promote the event on a grass-roots local level.

How we will help you!

Event Leads will receive a manual outlining the rules and regulations of the event that must be followed in order to comply with the Guinness guidelines. Please carefully review the guidelines attached to this document. These will act as a guide for you to follow to ensure that we can efficiently record the data necessary to break the record. We will also provide you with some suggested event tools such as an event checklist, communications plan, volunteer positions etc. We will support you in getting the word out to the community by providing you with a series of communication tools such as press releases, psa's (public service announcements), fact sheet and posters.

Help us spread the word and encourage healthy, active living within your community. Become an Event Lead for the Record Breaking Walk today!

If you are interested in participating, please complete the trail registration form and register online at Or by fax at: 416-760-0793. Attn: Jake Wozniak, Project Manager

Further event information is posted online or email Jake Wozniak, Project Manager at

Thank you! We appreciate your interest in participating in this important initiative to bring the health and recreation/trails sectors into closer working relationships and to increase the physical activity level of Ontarians through the use of trails.


(Photo: Hiawatha Hiking Trail)

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