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Sault Climate Hub wants residents to get creative to support the planet

24 Hours of Reality happens October 10-11
2020-09-24 Sault Climate Hub
Photo supplied

In the time of COVID-19, it’s still important that the world knows people and families dream of a cleaner, healthier future. Let’s paint the town green!

As a lead up to the worldwide '24 Hours of Reality' (and Thanksgiving), the Sault Climate Hub invites Saultites to express themselves through slogans and posters, voicing their desire for a healthy planet:
    1.    Create a poster showing your vision/demand for a healthier planet (Pictures of wind turbines, vibrant trees, a big green square, etc. 'Healthy Planet, Healthy Children! 'Green Revolution is the Solution!' 'Thinking of the Planet this Thanksgiving', etc.). Get creative.
    2.    Post the artwork at home where neighbours can see it, to carry on the conversation around climate change, and the desire for a healthy planet.
    3.    Take a photo of your artwork, and send it to It will be posted by the Sault Climate Hub on Facebook, and with local media, to promote community awareness. Please submit your photo as soon as possible – 24 Hours of Reality takes place Oct. 10-11.
    4.    Look for your poster, and those of others, to be shared in the community and by media outlets.
    5.    Join the Sault Climate Hub for the international '24 Hours of Reality' forum to examine the local impacts of climate change, and to stand up with others globally, to dream of a brighter future we all deserve! Visit Sault Climate Hub on Facebook as the event nears for up-to-the-minute information.


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