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Thirty local business women gather for networking event

Business women and aspiring entrepreneurs listened to Penny Tremblay of The Tremblay Leadership Center
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The Community Development Corporation of Sault Ste. Marie & Area (CDC) and PARO partnered on a networking event targeting women in Sault Ste. Marie this past week. The PARO Centre for Women's Enterprise is one of Canada's most successful business support and networking organizations. 

The CDC of Sault & Area has been supporting local business for over 30 years. The organizations are collaborating to empower women, strengthen small business and promote community economic development across the North of Ontario. 

Thirty local business women and aspiring entrepreneurs listened to Penny Tremblay of The Tremblay Leadership Center to discover leadership from the inside out. 

Women learned techniques to live up to their full potential by mastering time and being more assertive while maintaining positive, productive and profitable relationships. Attendees were inspired and are looking forward to the next event, scheduled for September.

According to CDC Executive Director Dan Friyia, “the CDC is proud to work with PARO in their mission of supporting women in entrepreneurship as a career option and as a valid economic development strategy. It is our hope that through our partnership, many lending circles can be created for our city.”

Rosalind Lockyer, Executive Director for PARO echoed Friyia’s comments stating how pleased they are to have a strong partner in the Sault. 

“The CDC provides logistical support to our Business Counselor as well as funding to support the loans approved by Lending Circle Members. We feel this enhanced partnership with the CDC will greatly benefit women in Sault Ste. Marie.” 

At the event, PARO introduced their new Lead Business Counselor Maureen Strickland who will be working to support women’s entrepreneurship in the region.  For information on PARO’s women’s programing, please contact Maureen directly at 705-870-0354 or

About the CDC of Sault Ste. Marie & Area

The CDC has been serving the Sault and Area since 1987.  We offer a variety of small business service as well as community economic development services to area stakeholders. Since inception the CDC has assisted some 576 businesses with 17.8  million dollars in loans.  This activity has helped create or maintain approximately 2,827 jobs in the region. 

The CDC is a non-profit organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.  We are funded through FedNor.  More information on the CDC of Sault & Area can be found at:



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