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Castor council tweaks fire chief role

Castor town council tweaked the fire chief’s role and dealt with several other items at their regular council meeting Feb. 24.

Fire chief

Town manager Christopher Robbie presented a memo to councillor regarding the fire chief’s position within the town hierarchy. 

Robbie noted that currently the Castor fire chief answers to both town council and the town manager which is technically not allowed.

Robbie said it has to be one or the other, but not both.

Fire pits

Councillors also discussed liability related to fire pits. They discussed the issue of someone starting a fire in a fire pit, then the fire getting loose and damaging other property.

During discussion, councillors noted this has happened in the past. 

Councillor Kevin McDougall made a motion to keep the uncontrolled fire fine at $100, but added to the bylaw the term “plus additional costs.”

Councillors approved first reading of the fire bylaw; Robbie and his staff will draft it and bring it back to a future meeting.

One councillor too many

Robblee presented councillors with an issue within the Subdivision Development Appeal Board structure. 

It turns out the board is to have only one town councillor as a member and actually had two.

Robblee explained the SDAB is intended to have members at large hear appeals which explains why only one councillor sits on the board.

Councillors approved first reading of the change; the bylaw will be publicly advertised and then return for approval at a future meeting.

Bikes for Kids

Councillor McDougall suggested council look at a Bikes for Kids program similar to what the RCMP did in town last year.

This would be a safety-oriented course and the town could look for partners to help host it.

Councillors unanimously agreed to have staff look into a possible Bikes for Kids program.

Private deliberations

The councillors ended their meeting with an in-camera session to discuss two matters.

Stu Salkeld, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, East Central Alberta Review

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