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Friday, April 19, 2002

Late yesterday afternoon the Goulais River, north of Sault Ste. Marie, crested its banks and extensive flooding has occurred in the area. Numerous homes have been surrounded by water and a large number of area side roads and highways are flooded.
Late yesterday afternoon the Goulais River, north of Sault Ste. Marie, crested its banks and extensive flooding has occurred in the area.

Numerous homes have been surrounded by water and a large number of area side roads and highways are flooded. The Sault O.P.P., Goulais Fire and Rescue as well as Sault Search and Rescue are monitoring the entire area.

Most of Pineshores Road from Olar subdivision to Goulais bay is now under water. Belleview Valley Road at the intersection of Hwy 552 East is covered in about three meters (ten feet) of water. There is still heavy snow in the bush near the headwaters of the Goulais River and with several days of above-freezing weather and rain in the forecast, this melting snow will add to the high water levels that this area is currently experiencing.

Hwy 556 near the intersection of Ranger Lake Road is reduced t one lane because of the high water levels. Water is covering half the road at that location. Other sections of Hwy 556 in that immediate area are being