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Friday, August 12, 2005

Counterfeit Bill Surfaces In Elliot Lake (Elliot Lake, Ont.) Police are investigating yet another possible counterfeit bill. On August 10, 2005 a five (5) dollar bill was turned over to police.
Counterfeit Bill Surfaces In Elliot Lake

(Elliot Lake, Ont.) Police are investigating yet another possible counterfeit bill. On August 10, 2005 a five (5) dollar bill was turned over to police. Investigation revealed that the five (5) dollar bill bearing serial # HOD8443340 is indeed counterfeit.

Investigation continuing.

Unlocked Vehicle Entered and Items Taken

(Elliot Lake, Ont.) Police in Elliot Lake are investigating yet another report of a theft from a parked vehicle. Sometime on August 9th, 2005 between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. unknown persons entered the vehicle parked on McKeown Rd in Elliot Lake, taking several items. Taken were 15 compact discs of various artists and the vehicle ownership.

Anyone with information regarding the above incidents is asked to contact the OPP at 1-888-319-1122 or Crime Stoppers.

Investigation continuing.

You can dramatically reduce the risk of vehicle theft by not leaving original insurance or owner-ship documents in your vehicle. Place a photocopy in the vehicle and keep the originals in your home.

Motor Vehicle Stolen And Several Thefts Reported

(Hilton Beach, Ontario) On Thursday August 11, 2005 at approximately 7:45 am, the East Algoma – Thessalon OPP was advised of a stolen motor vehicle on Water Street, Hilton Beach, Ontario. The complainant had parked his 1994 Sundance the previous evening behind his residence. When the complainant awoke in the morning, he discovered that the motor vehicle had been stolen. The motor vehicle was discovered a short time later at the Hilton Beach Skateboard Park. The motor vehicle sustained damage to the left front tire and rim.

At approximately 11:00 am while investigating the stolen motor vehicle, the investigating member of the OPP was approached by another resident of Hilton Beach reporting that his vehicle had been entered overnight. A cell phone and approximately $40.00 was taken from the vehicle.

Another four (4) incidents in the Hilton Beach area were reported to the East Algoma OPP between the hours of 1:00 pm and 9:00 pm.

Shortly before 1:00 pm a theft was reported from the front porch of a residence located on Mark Street, Hilton Beach, Ontario. A silver and gold “Tarantula” Bicycle, valued at $600.00 was stolen. A motor vehicle was also entered at this location but nothing was stolen.

At approximately 4:00 pm a theft was reported from a motor vehicle located at a residence on Mark Street, Hilton Beach, Ontario. A cell phone was stolen from the vehicle.

At approximately 5:30 pm a mischief was reported at a location on Mark Street, Hilton Beach, Ontario. A front loader was entered. Nothing was reported stolen from the front loader.

At approximately 9:00 pm a theft was reported from a motor vehicle located at a residence on Mark Street, Hilton Beach, Ontario. A cell phone and cash was stolen from the motor vehicle.

These occurrences are currently under investigation by the East Algoma OPP.

If you have any information regarding these occurrences in Hilton Beach, Ontario, contact the East Algoma OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or Crime Stoppers at 1-705-942-7867.

The OPP want to remind residents to protect their valuable by locking vehicles, valuables and residences.

Attempted Vehicle Theft

Overnight between the 10th and 11th of August some dishonest soul attended a Gran Street address on the Batchewana First Nation and attempted to make off with a truck. It appears that the culprit was a little inept as the truck was never moved. However this futile attempt resulted in the ignition on the vehicle being destroyed. Batchewana First Nation Police are continuing their investigation.

Break In Attempt

North of Sault Ste. Marie in Aweres Township, another unskilled would-be thief attempted to enter a shed at a residence on Old Mill Road. Entry was not gained but the suspect did leave a cut screen as a reminder of his visit. There are no suspects at this time and the matter is being followed-up by Sault Ste. Marie O.P.P. officers.

Frive Safely

Driving safely is a full time job. Pedestrians, cyclists and other motorists all serve to tax our awareness capabilities each time we drive. Throw in a few stray animals, uneven pavement and lack of familiarity with the area you are traveling in and soon our capabilities are pushed to the limit. With all of these things to be aware of it seems ludicrous that drivers would add to their load by bringing along self-imposed distractions. Drinking coffee, eating bagels, talking on the cell phone, combing our hair, applying make-up, searching for a lost CD, frantically looking for that last cigarette (time to quit), single actions or in combination are not conducive to applying the level of concentration the act of driving demands. Multi-tasking may be a virtue to strive for in the work-place (provided you are not a professional driver) but the act of driving is multi-facetted enough without us adding to it. It takes the briefest moment of inattentiveness for us to be in a pickle behind the wheel. It could take a life time to recover from the consequences, should you survive.