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Friday, September 3, 2010

LONG WEEKEND CRIME PREVENTION AND SAFETY TIPS After many long weekends throughout the year we all hear of tragedies that could have been avoided.
After many long weekends throughout the year we all hear of tragedies that could have been avoided. Motorists are killed or injured in motor vehicle collisions, vacations are ruined when homes are broken into while their owners are away or vehicles are entered and the owner’s belongings are taken. Many of these tragedies could be avoided with some careful planning. Most mishaps are from lack of forethought on the individual involved. If you are consuming alcohol, do not operate a motor vehicle or powered watercraft.
The Sault Ste Marie Police Service is providing the public some of the following crime prevention and safety tips to make your holiday long weekend more enjoyable and safe for you and your family.
• Make your home appear occupied when you go out.
• Leave lights on and the radio playing.
• Keep your garage door and all sheds closed and locked.
• Use timing devices to turn inside lights on and off.
• If you will be gone several days, arrange to have the mail and papers stopped or picked up.
• Inform your trusted neighbours you will be away and ask them to keep an eye on you residence.
• Half of all home burglaries occur during the day when alert neighbors could spot and report the thieves.

• Leave earlier to avoid the need for speeding, remember traffic is heavier during the long weekends.
• Use your turn signals and give others advance warning of your lane changes.
• Slow down and obey the speed limit.
• Be courteous to other drivers.
• Use care and if you are consuming alcohol, do not drink and drive.

• Keep your car in good condition with the gas tank at least half full.
• Park in well-lighted areas and lock your doors, no matter how long you’ll be gone.
• Do not leave valuables inside your vehicle, if you must leave them, place valuables out of sight or in the trunk.
• Check front and rear seats and floorboards before entering your car.
• Drive with all doors locked and windows rolled up.
• Never pick up hitchhikers.
• When parking or returning to your vehicle, carry your keys and be aware of your surroundings.
• Consider investing in a cellular telephone, but not to use it while driving-it’s the law.

The public can help themselves during this long weekend and all year long by learning how to avoid aggressive drivers and how not to be an aggressive driver.

Characteristics of Aggressive Drivers
• Tailgating
• Passing on the shoulder of the road
• Making rude gestures or shouting
• Changing lanes without signaling
• Violating traffic signals
• Weaving in and out of traffic
• Speeding

How to Avoid Aggressive Drivers
• Don’t challenge the aggressive driver
• Don’t respond with a counterattack or obscene gestures
• Safely move out of their way
• Avoid eye contact
• Get help from police, if necessary
• Do not dwell on the incident.