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Monday, February 3, 2014

M otorized snow vehicle patrol initiative Over the past weekend Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Sudbury Detachment in partnership with S.T.O.

Motorized snow vehicle patrol initiative

Over the past weekend Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Sudbury Detachment in partnership with S.T.O.P officers conducted general patrol initiatives within the City of Greater Sudbury, Nairn Centre and Espanola areas. The following are the results of that initiative:

Friday January 31st, 2014 (O.P.P.)

Lively, Azilda, Chelmsford. 135 kms of trails patrolled.

25 – snowmobiles checked.

4 – people warned for Motorized Snow Vehicle Act (MSVA) violations.

1 – person issued report in notice for proof insurance.

Saturday February 1st , 2014  (OPP and S.T.O.P)

Garson, Coniston and South end Sudbury  82kms of trails patrolled

130 – snowmobiles checked

1 – person was charged with no trail permit

1 – report in notice for proof of insurance

Sunday February 2nd, 2014 (OPP & S.T.O.P)

Officers patrolled from Sudbury to Whitefish Falls, covering Nairn Centre, and Espanola areas.  258kms of trails patrolled.

36 – snowmobiles checked

2 – MSVA charges issued

6-MSVA warns issued.

Display your trail permit in the proper manner.  This allows enforcement officers to quickly identify that you have paid for the right to be on the trails.