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Saturday, February 22, 2003

QUIET NIGHT IN THE SAULT AREA The Sault detachment of the O.P.P.

The Sault detachment of the O.P.P. had a relatively quiet twenty-four hour period and has nothing to report


If you love that great new sled you're driving, the Ontario Provincial Police advise you to LOCK IT or LOSE IT!

That message is the signature statement for Project Hot Sled, an annual anti-theft campaign developed by the Ontario Provincial Police, in conjunction with community partners, to curb snow mobile theft and fraud.

The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs, Municipal Police Services and Community Policing Committees fully support this initiative, now in its seventh year.

The enforcement effort by police and volunteer S.T.O.P. (Snowmobile Trail Officer Patrol) officers have made a positive impact on theft prevention and trail safety but at the same time the market for stolen snow machines and their parts remains lucrative. In 2002 53 machines were reported stolen across the Region, this year the number stands at 42.

Owners are reminded that part of responsible snowmobile operation includes security. Sledders are urged to make every effort to secure their machines: lock it in a garage or shed, immobilize it with a quality chain and lock, install a locking device or tether it to another machine.

If you leave it on a trailer, ensure the trailer is also secure from theft. Parking in a well lit and populated area along with a clear marking of the machine and it's accessories will help deter the theft of parts.

Potential snowmobile thieves are meeting with solid resistance on and off the trails. S.T.O.P. officers are equipped with a hand held data base computers enabling them to enter the registration numbers of the machines they stop trailside to determine whether or not the machine has been reported stolen.

The use of portable radios by S.T.O.P. personnel allows them direct contact with the OPP Provincial Communication Centre and immediate assistance from OPP officers.

The OPP SAVE team works snowmobile trails across the North East Region and you can expect to see them at snow machine events throughout the season.

If the hoods up, they'll be checking the machine!