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Sunday, November 2, 2003

LOST HUNTER LOCATED A lost hunter from Sault Ste. Marie was located Sunday morning in the Pike Lake area north of Wabos near Searchmont, Ontario PRovincial Police report. At 9:28 a.m.
A lost hunter from Sault Ste. Marie was located Sunday morning in the Pike Lake area north of Wabos near Searchmont, Ontario PRovincial Police report.

At 9:28 a.m. OPP advised us that 35-year-old Mark Sprague was located by his brother, an OPP officer, and the OPP canine unit.

Sprague has a twisted knee but is otherwise in good condition.

He'll seek medical attention when he returns to the Sault.

Sprague was on a day hunt yesterday with several partners but failed to show at a predetermined meeting place at Pike Lake.

His partners started to search the area of Marne Township, then contacted police late in the evening.

Sprague responded to emergency gunshots fired overnight and was reached by police at 8 a.m. Sunday.

Participating in the overnight search were the OPP Emergency Response Unit and Canine Unit as well as Sault Search and Rescue.