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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Road Closure Advisory The Ontario Provincial Police advise the public of the following road closure. Location: Hwy 556, from the Searchmont turn – east to Hwy 129 Detachment area: Sault Ste Marie Time of road closure: 11:00 a.m.
Road Closure Advisory

The Ontario Provincial Police advise the public of the following road closure.

Location: Hwy 556, from the Searchmont turn – east to Hwy 129

Detachment area: Sault Ste Marie

Time of road closure: 11:00 a.m.

Reason for the closure: Icy roads are prohibiting the salter/sander from accessing this portion of the highway

Detour: None

Estimated duration of closure: Several hours

Time road reopened: (will advise )


Sault Ste Marie, Ont.,.

Sault Ste Marie OPP would like to remind all parents and care givers to have an important chat with children of all ages.

With spring officially here and a night of steady rain in the Algoma area, rivers, ditches and streams in the area are filling up with water. Children of all ages are fascinated and hypnotized by a ditch full of water or a fast running creek or stream. Any water, from a puddle on the side of the road to a dangerous flooding river, act as magnets for children.

Take some time today to reinforce just how fast those ice cold, and fast running bodies of water will sweep a child’s body down a stream, river or sewer system to their deaths. Nothing takes the place of constant supervision of your child while they are playing outside, but you just can’t be everywhere all the time.

A child only needs seconds to approach a fast flowing body of water and to fall in. Water safety is everyone’s businesses so if you have one of these creeks, rivers or water filled ditches in your neighbourhood, keep a close eye on that area. If you see any kids doing what kids are known to do; playing in areas where they shouldn’t, get them out of there or call the police.