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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Close Call Hwy#17 at Rupert Acres At 7:50 a.m. September 17th a 91 Grey Nissan pickup truck struck the side of a north bound 88 GMC Pickup truck on Hwy#17 at Rupert Acres rd in Aweres Township.
Close Call Hwy#17 at Rupert Acres

At 7:50 a.m. September 17th a 91 Grey Nissan pickup truck struck the side of a north bound 88 GMC Pickup truck on Hwy#17 at Rupert Acres rd in Aweres Township. Luckily no one was injured in the crash and both vehicles were able to drive away from the scene. Charged with fail to yield contrary to section 136(1)(b) of the Highway Traffic Act, is Craig Edward Sagle age 31 of 31 Rupert Acres rd Rupert Acres.

Most motor vehicle crashes are caused by Drivers not paying attention to their surroundings or driving at a speed to fast for the road and weather conditions. When driving your only task should be to pay attention to your actions and those of other drivers around you.

RIDE only Nets Seat Belt Charge

Sault Ste Marie OPP officer conducted RIDE in 5 different locations in the Sault Ste Marie Detachment patrol area. Officers checked 98 vehicles and no drinking drives were discovered. One person was charged with not wearing their seat belt.


(Elliot Lake, Ont.) The East Algoma OPP has charged a local woman after completing their investigation regarding a possible fraud.

On September 16th, 2008 the victim contacted police reporting a possible fraud involving a vehicle. Investigation revealed that the suspect had allegedly registered a vehicle in the name of the victim without his permission or knowledge.

Charged with the following is Judy HAMM of Elliot Lake.

Make Forged Document
Utter Forged Document

HAMM is scheduled to appear in Elliot Lake court on November 4, 2008.