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Wednesday, November 19, 2003

IT’S SNOW MACHINE TIME OF THE YEAR With a full week of rain throughout the area it is sometimes difficult to think that this year’s snow machine season is just around the corner.

With a full week of rain throughout the area it is sometimes difficult to think that this year’s snow machine season is just around the corner.

In many a garage or shed, in and around the Sault Ste Marie area, one can easily see the snow machine enthusiast tinkering with their beloved toys. Occasionally a head will pop out of the garage door in a hopeful glace of catching a glimpse of snow floating from the sky to cover the trails and lakes of the Algoma District.

The members of the OPP Northeast Region S.A.V.E. Team (Snow machine, All terrain vehicle and Vessel Enforcement) are also tinkering with their snow machines in hopes of an early snowfall.

With no snow or cold weather in sight, members of the OPP S.A.V.E. Team hope that information, education and knowledge will help make this year’s sledding season a safe, injury and fatal free year.

To assist everyone with education, information and knowledge, the OPP S.A.V.E. TEAM will have a display in the Dennis Street Court of Station Mall in Sault Ste Marie from this Friday 21 November to Sunday 23 November.

OPP snow machine patrol members will be on hand to answer any and all questions pertaining to safe riding tips and the laws pertaining to snow machines. Get your answers from the people who will be enforcing the laws.

Take a break from the garage or shed. The snow will be here eventually and the trails will be opened sooner than you think. Be aware what is needed and what we look for on the trails. Drop around to Station Mall’s Dennis Street Court this weekend and become empowered with the knowledge needed to keep you and your loved ones safe on the trails this year.