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Breathe easy this winter with these tips for choosing the right filter for your furnace

A close look at the options and the performance rating system with an expert from Heritage Home Hardware

In the depths of winter, we spend almost all of our time indoors. That certainly makes the indoor air quality in our homes worth paying attention to.

Furnace filters perform an important role—the right one will help you and your family breathe easy.

For some tips on choosing the right furnace filter, Village Media reached out to the experts at Heritage Home Hardware in Sault Ste. Marie. Jack provided a bit of background information and outlined how to find the right one to meet your needs.

Forced-air furnaces: A bit of background

A forced-air furnace draws air in through a home’s ducts. It then warms that air over a heat exchange and forces the newly warmed air through your home with a furnace blower fan.

The furnace filter performs several functions: it protects the fan from dust, hair and debris. It also stops contaminants from being recirculated throughout your home.


There are two categories of furnace filters: disposable or reusable. Each is available in different styles.

Disposable furnace filters

These filters are single-use. They’re convenient, widely available in a variety of materials and styles, and easy to use. They can filter out most typical particles and allergens. Depending on HVAC use and your household’s particular needs, a disposable furnace filter should be replaced every 30 to 90 days.

In terms of efficiency, these score average to high, depending on the filter model you choose. They generally perform better than washable filters do, but they do cost more in the long run because you have to replace them so often.

Washable furnace filters

Permanent furnace filters are designed to be cleaned and reused, making them an eco-friendly option. They can filter out a number of typical particles and allergens.

They’re usually made of aluminum mesh or electrostatically charged woven polypropylene, and they can be harder to find. They do, of course, require regular maintenance; it is recommended that you wash and fully dry them every 30 to 60 days before reusing them. Frequency will depend on your HVAC use and household needs. Please note that they may still require occasional replacing.

This particular option offers low to high efficiency; much depends on the filter model you choose.

Furnace filter styles

A filter’s efficiency and cost is affected by the material it is made from and its composition. They are all performance-rated, on a scale from 1 to 16, using the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) system.

MERV Ratings

  • Good
    A rating of 1-4 means that the filter can capture larger particles of dust mites, dust and pollen.
  • Better
    A 5-8 rating indicates that the filter does a better job of capturing dust mites, dust, pollen, mould and pet dander, so it’s a smart choice for the average household.
  • Best
    With a rating of 9 or higher, the filter can capture all of the above, and also block viruses, other germs, odours and particles of smoke.

If there are pets in your household or if anyone has allergies, choose a filter with a higher MERV rating.

Flat furnace filters

Flat filters are the most common type in Canada. These use a woven material to capture particles. They are disposable, feature spun fibreglass construction, are relatively inexpensive and have a MERV rating of 2 (good).

This type of filter is best for small, pet-free households where no one has allergies.

Take advantage of the chance to save by buying these in bulk; filter multipacks also ensure that you never have to worry about running out.

Pleated furnace filters

These filters have improved filtering capabilities, thanks to their deep pleats that increase the surface area.

Made of pleated cotton or polyester paper, this option is highly efficient and affordable. Trapping 70-90% of airborne pollutants, they offer a great combination of value and performance. These have a higher MERV rating of 8 (better), making them ideal for the average family household.

Allergen furnace filters

If anyone in your home has allergies—or if you have pets—invest in higher quality filters that offer superior performance. Allergen furnace filters use electrostatically charged fibres to attract and trap smaller particles, including allergens. They are a highly efficient, premium option and are made of cotton or paper fibre.

These have a MERV rating of 11+ (best), and both disposable and washable/reusable models are available. Allergen filters can trap 90-97% of airborne pollutants and can be found at budget and premium price points.

Smart furnace filters

Some furnace filters even incorporate smart technology, using Bluetooth. These can track airflow and usage, send status updates and reminders that it’s time for a replacement. They are typically associated with allergen furnace filters.

This disposable option, made of cotton or paper fibre, is considered a highly efficient premium product. It too has a high MERV rating of 11+ (best) and is an excellent choice for households with pets and those who suffer from allergies.

In order to benefit from the smart features this type of filter offers, you will of course need to download a manufacturer’s app to your smartphone.

Keep the air in your home clean this winter with a quality furnace filter. For more advice on selecting the right one for your needs, visit Heritage Home Hardware or call 705-759-5101.