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How has technology changed the entertainment industry? Find out here

Technology is the basis of our lives. If we did not have its influence, then things would never be the same. If you want to find out more about this or if you are interested in finding out how tech has helped to take things to that next level, then this is the guide for you.
Ocere Spotlight_Mar 2022

The Tech Uprising in Gaming

When you look at the game Computer Space, you will soon see that this was created by the one and only Nutting Associates, back in the year 1972. Video games have come an incredibly long way since then and now there are many arcade games being created. If you go online then you will soon see that it is possible to find card games, slot machine games and more. If you look at the platform Online Casino List ( for example, you will soon see that there is a huge amount of games available for you to play, many of which are free to play, and is an indication of how far the industry has come over the years.

Tech and Music

Tech and music truly is the ultimate chemistry. Music in this digital age is linked to tech on a whole new level. Advancements in tech have improved the quality of music that people can listen to and it is also now more accessible too. Now it is more than possible for you to get access to various favourite services on the go and this is great to say the least. When you look at compact discs, you will soon see that this was a huge turning point for the industry and with this new digital age, you can now use any kind of MP3 tech to download whatever you want. Spotify has dominated the market as well, making it easier than ever for people to get the result they want out of their music.

Movies and Television

Not many people would have thought that this year would be the one where video streaming services would have reached such a high level. Now with online video streaming, it would seem that technologies such as Blockchain and even AI have backed everything up more than ever. This is because thousands of consumers can be reached. You also have OTT platforms and these have the highest revenue overall. A lot of this is because of the tech out there, which would be 3G, 4G and of course, LTE. A lot of tech advancements have helped to shake up the world of movies and television too. You have things such as Alexa and you also have everything that can bring you the best possible experience with ease. This is all synced up with everything and it just goes to show how far things have come over the years.

Who knows what the future holds, but right now it would seem that things have taken a real turn for the better and it is going to be interesting to see how far things could go in the future.