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RBC mortgage specialists in Sault Ste. Marie and area ease the stress Around financing

RBC team members Pam Chorney, Erica Aceti and Kristen Flood are available for their clients whenever they’re needed

A home is the most expensive purchase most buyers will ever make. It’s also one of the most stressful transactions. Fierce competition and the temptation of a bidding war can make submitting an offer and securing financing one of the most daunting ordeals a home buyer will ever face.  

However, RBC mortgage specialists Pam Chorney and Erica Aceti, along with their associate Kristen Flood can make the mortgage application process so much easier for people in Sault Ste. Marie. Collectively, this team has decades of knowledge and experience to offer their clients.  

Working together as a team 

Pam and Erica are award winning mortgage specialists whose primary focus is residential mortgages for a wide range of prospective buyers with different specialty programs.  

  • First time buyers 

  • Seasonal cottages/Second homes 

  • Construction mortgages  

  • Newcomers to Canada 

  • Self-employed 

  • Investment properties 

Residential mortgage financing is this team’s specialty 

Personal mortgage financing is this team’s specialty. Erica says, “We can also help people re-finance their mortgages if they need to take out equity to help them with debt consolidation or making a large purchase such as buying a property.” With the help of their partners at RBC, there are many options available. They can assist a client from the launch of their career or business, to guiding them to a secure retirement. They can help clients switch their mortgage to RBC from another financial institution. They can connect clients with realtors, lawyers, and accountant so they have the expertise they need. They offer so much more than residential mortgage financing.  

There are many questions 

Understandably, clients have many questions related to interest rates. How many years should they lock-in? Should they lock-in for a short-term or a longer-term mortgage? Pam encourages people not to be discouraged by the interest rates because “For years previously, we’ve seen rates between 5 and 7%. The 2% rates we had through the pandemic were an anomaly when considering the rate trends over the long term.”  

Pam and Erica will explain the pros and cons of each mortgage term and the benefits for each. They put people’s minds at ease knowing the interest rates are not historically high. Clients are always approved at the benchmark rates which are higher than their actual rate to ensure they can make the payments should rates increase over time.  

Offering honest advice 

Despite higher interest rates, Erica wants to assure clients of at least one thing. “The market is still strong in Sault Ste. Marie. The market is competitive and with rates as they stand, it’s still affordable to own a home in Northern Ontario.”  

Pam adds, “As long as we give people the best advice that we can offer with a good pre-approval so that purchasers know what they can afford and what their payment will be, it makes them more comfortable with ignoring homes outside of their price range.” 

Pam, Erica, and Kristen will hold their clients’ hands and take them through the entire mortgage financing process step-by-step. They will ensure that buyers understand the costs, that in addition to monthly mortgage payments they must pay property taxes, insurance, and utilities. The conversations are detailed, the advice is honest, and when clients understand how much they can afford, it eases their minds tremendously. 

Always available to the client 

This RBC team is available whenever clients’ need them. Pam says, “When clients find a house they love and want to make an offer, it’s urgent that they are able to reach us, because they may be competing with multiple offers and need to know what they can afford.” This RBC team will take care of all the details, things such as mortgage instructions to a lawyer, and help with getting a bank draft so that the lawyer can close the deal.   

Erica adds, “The client will always have someone available to assist them with their offer.” This team is not limited to regular business hours. Pam says, “We are available all the time. Timing in our business is crucial. Because there are so many deadlines for financing and closing dates, clients need to be able to reach their mortgage specialist.” 

Value their clients 

Pam, Erica, and Kristen were all born and raised in Sault Ste. Marie. They have deep roots and relationships with people in their community. The team receives a lot of repeat business, and nothing is more flattering than receiving a referral from a previous client they have served.  

Their reputation has been built on their professionalism, trustworthiness, and ability to respond quickly to clients’ needs. Immediate access to a mortgage specialist could mean the difference between an offer that is accepted or rejected. Pam says, “Between the three of us, if one is unavailable, another can step in to help. We work together as a team to assist clients, realtors or whoever needs a rapid response.” They have a shared system and access to each other’s clients.  

If you need help with mortgage financing Pam, Erica and Kristen would be pleased to help you. Contact the team at: