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The many benefits of psychedelic assisted therapy

The Canadian Centre for Psychedelic Healing offers cutting-edge therapies

For many people, struggles with mental health have led them through numerous medications and therapies and resulted in little to no relief.

Fortunately, research has come a long way and now a new therapy is available right here in our communities. Canadian Centre for Psychedelic Healing offers Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, which is also known as Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP).

“Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy is safe and effective. Our highly skilled multidisciplinary team is able to support you as we cultivate inner healing, despite any other failed attempts of treatment or therapy,” says Ashley Irwin, Registered Social Worker with Canadian Centre for Psychedelic Healing.

What is Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy?

There are some misconceptions about psychedelics and ketamine specifically. In fact, this type of treatment has been in use for decades and is proven to be safe and effective. It is used for treating a variety of conditions, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, trauma, OCD, addiction, chronic pain, and eating disorders.

“Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that has been utilized since the 1970s. It boasts a well-established safety record and is included in the World Health Organization’s essential medicines list. When administered in low doses, ketamine induces a psychedelic and dissociative state,” explains Ashley.

She continues, “In low doses, ketamine induces a psychedelic state, and when paired with psychotherapy, it creates a powerful synergy for healing. The rapid alleviation of depressive symptoms is a unique characteristic of ketamine. Acting on specific receptors in the brain, it swiftly improves mood and reduces emotional barriers. This immediate lift sets the stage for effective psychotherapy by enhancing receptivity and emotional openness.”

The Benefits of Ketamine

Ketamine is unique in that it enhances the positive effects of psychotherapy. According to Ashley, the effects are both immediate and long-lasting while allowing individuals to more easily explore their personal traumas.

“Clients often report remarkable improvements in their mood, a reduction in anxiety, and an increased sense of calmness after their first session,” says Ashley. “They report feeling more open, emotionally lighter, and connected to themselves and in others. This openness creates an ideal mental state for psychotherapy. We often see clients who previously had negative and intrusive thoughts move towards surprising clarity, calmness, self-love, and compassion.”

Canadian Centre for Psychedelic Healing’s clinic is located at 390 Bay St. in the Elgin tower, and all treatments are under the supervision of on-site nursing staff and therapists. Their multidisciplinary team works together to target goals you develop together and review them with you upon completion of treatment to determine further care.

“At our clinics, we’ve seen an 80-95% positive response rate, meaning that the vast majority of individuals experience remarkable improvements in their mental wellbeing,” explains Ashley. “Our approach is grounded in extensive research and meticulous reviews of clinical trials.”

Is Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Right for You?

Ashley explains that KAP is best suited for those who have tried at least two other medications or therapy solutions and have not found satisfactory symptom relief.

If you're considering KAP, you can continue your regular medications. However, Ashley cautions that certain medications might reduce the effectiveness of ketamine. Canadian Centre for Psychedelic Healing accepts self-referrals, so anyone can make an appointment to discuss treatment options to find out if it is right for them.

Cost of Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Unfortunately, KAP is not yet covered by Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) though the majority of the cost consists of therapies which are typically eligible under most insurance benefits plans.

“We also work with third party financing partners which allows clients to spread payments out over a period of time,” says Ashley. “And now is a great time to try, especially if you haven’t used all of your health benefits for the 2023 year.”

Your Journey Starts Here

A popular approach to starting your KAP journey is with a regular psychotherapy session. Ashley and Julie, the registered therapists at Canadian Centre for Psychedelic Healing, have been helping to improve the lives of clients in our community over the past year.

Ashley Irwin is a Registered Social Worker with 15 years of experience in the mental health field. She takes a strengths-based approach, focusing on social, emotional, physical, and mental well-being to enhance daily living. With a strong background in Emotion Focused Theory and trauma certifications, Ashley brings extensive knowledge working with children, adolescents, and adults. Her clinical specialties include crisis intervention, grief/trauma/loss, internalizing disorders, utilizing art in therapy, mindfulness, and other relaxation practices.

Julie Myers, a Registered Social Worker, also brings over 15 years of experience in the health and mental health sectors. Her expertise lies in health, disability, stress impact on well-being, chronic pain, trauma, and adjustment. With a biopsychosocial and individualized approach, Julie is trained in various therapeutic modalities. Her recent interest in psychedelics aligns with her values, making her an enthusiastic participant in the emerging field of psychedelic-assisted therapy.

Holiday Promotion: Love Yourself

As a special holiday offering, Canadian Centre for Psychedelic Healing presents a 10% discount on KAP programs completed between Nov. 20 and Dec. 22. To qualify for the discount, send an email to with the promotion code "LOVEYOURSELFSSM" in the subject line.

For more information about KAP, schedule a free 15-minute discovery call with one of the nurses at Canadian Centre for Psychedelic Healing.

Book online or call (705) 575-9000 for Sault Ste. Marie or (807) 345-4400 for Thunder Bay.