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Tell us who we should surprise this Christmas!

Nominations are now open for Village Media’s 12 Days of Christmas program
Village Media's 12 Days of Christmas Random Acts of Kindness program is back and gearing up for some BIG surprises this holiday season.
The fourth annual 12 Days of Christmas program promises to warm your heart, as extraordinary people in our community are recognized and have their days brightened.
This program is designed to encourage people to come together, help break barriers, make a wish come true or lend a helping hand to someone deserving.
If you know someone who:
  • has performed extraordinary deeds of kindness despite their own challenges
  • actively makes a significant contribution which positively impacts the well-beingof the community
  • is community-minded and puts the needs of others above their own
  • has regularly shown kindness and generosity
  • has been diagnosed or is living with a debilitating illness
  • has had an extremely difficult year
  • has experienced financial barriers or ongoing hardships
Nominate them for a surprise Random Act of Kindness here. Nominations are open until November 15 th .
Each nomination will be reviewed and judged by a peer group of impartial community members and business representatives. 
Watch for the 12 Days of Christmas Random Acts of Kindness video segments to air on SooToday for 12 consecutive days starting December 12, 2016.
Some of the heartwarming highlights from last year’s 12 Days of Christmas program are in the video above.


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