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Derek Howard, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Derek Howard, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Derek Howard is a Midland-based civic issues reporter with a background in print journalism. He has lived within North Simcoe for the majority of his life. Sometimes a stage actor, sometimes a voice actor, and sometimes a fiction novelist; when not scooping news, Derek enjoys diving into futurism by researching cutting edge technologies, while also appreciating the beautiful nature of the surrounding area. On occasion, Derek has been known to livestream play sessions of forgotten 1980s video games to sparse crowds. Derek lives alone and would like to someday have a goldfish named Chaos.


Recent Work by Derek

Queen 'touched' to learn Wye Marsh dubbed a trumpeter Elizabeth

Queen 'touched' to learn Wye Marsh dubbed a trumpeter Elizabeth

Royal acknowledgement 'very exciting,' says official, noting accolades from 'such a powerful person' are welcomed by the group and its volunteers
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