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COVID-19: Canada to buy 40 million Moderna doses in next two years, Trudeau says

COVID-19: Canada to buy 40 million Moderna doses in next two years, Trudeau says

Deal 'could be extended into 2024,' the Prime Minister said in a recent post on Twitter; Ottawa to have access to as many as 65 million doses 'if needed'
BEYOND LOCAL: Why your baby isn’t sleeping through the night yet, and how to teach them

BEYOND LOCAL: Why your baby isn’t sleeping through the night yet, and how to teach them

Not every one sleeps through the night at the same age, but social pressure is strong on parents to make sure that their children get enough sleep
OPINION: The Olympics must rethink efforts to stay relevant

OPINION: The Olympics must rethink efforts to stay relevant

Sports researchers say fewer viewers, nervous sponsors make it difficult to justify the massive social and financial undertaking that comes with the Olympics Games
CANADA: Eight ways to identify and confront Residential School denialism

CANADA: Eight ways to identify and confront Residential School denialism

Embracing truth is all the more difficult for some because many Canadians still associate residential schooling with the positive images church and state officials used to propagandize and promote these institutions as humanitarian projects, experts say
OPINION: ‘Diversity’ is not the solution, dismantling white supremacy is

OPINION: ‘Diversity’ is not the solution, dismantling white supremacy is

Whether the target is critical race theory, anti-racism, Black Lives Matter movements or anything else — the problem will remain until we remove diversity from the solution pile
BEYOND LOCAL: How kids benefit from learning trapeze, juggling and unicycle in gym class

BEYOND LOCAL: How kids benefit from learning trapeze, juggling and unicycle in gym class

Researchers found that circus activities improve movement competencies, confidence and motivation
BEYOND LOCAL: Why it makes good business sense to hire people with disabilities

BEYOND LOCAL: Why it makes good business sense to hire people with disabilities

There are myriad myths about workers with disabilities, but new research suggests they perform at a higher level, are absent less and are more loyal than employees without disabilities
ONTARIO: Court certifies class action against Uber

ONTARIO: Court certifies class action against Uber

Uber has long refused to recognize couriers and drivers using its platform as employees and instead likened them to independent contractors because they have the flexibility to drive or deliver as little or as much as they want
ONTARIO: Province puts additional $2.2B toward COVID-19 fund, preparing for effects of variants

ONTARIO: Province puts additional $2.2B toward COVID-19 fund, preparing for effects of variants

The latest figures came as Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy released the province's 2021-22 first quarter finances Thursday, announcing an additional $2.2 billion for a COVID-19 fund, thanks to a revenue projection that's $2.9 billion higher than in the budget
COVID-19: With restrictions lifting, ‘immune-insecure’ people have to navigate added risks in social life

COVID-19: With restrictions lifting, ‘immune-insecure’ people have to navigate added risks in social life

Studies tackling the social parameters of everyday decision-making and social inclusion in response to public health policy are just emerging