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CANADA: Pfizer shot approved for kids 12 and up

CANADA: Pfizer shot approved for kids 12 and up

The vaccine announcement comes after a promising trial out of the United States, which Health Canada's chief medical adviser said shows the vaccine is both safe and effective for kids in that age group
CANADA: Consumers lose trust in big brands during pandemic, study says

CANADA: Consumers lose trust in big brands during pandemic, study says

The study also found Canadians have a high ability to detect whether a brand demonstrates a short-lived act of compassion to take advantage of the pandemic
BEYOND LOCAL: The common denominator between Zoom fatigue and distracted driving

BEYOND LOCAL: The common denominator between Zoom fatigue and distracted driving

Remote work — with its countless and never-ending online meetings — is taking its toll on employees
ONTARIO: Group of police officers files constitutional challenge over pandemic rules

ONTARIO: Group of police officers files constitutional challenge over pandemic rules

The claim seeks a number of declarations, including that religious services and protests are exempt from rules on gatherings, and that lockdowns and stay-at-home orders are a form of martial law, which the province does not have jurisdiction to enact
COVID-19: Johnson & Johnson vaccine to get go-ahead for rollout, shows promise against variants

COVID-19: Johnson & Johnson vaccine to get go-ahead for rollout, shows promise against variants

Jannsen vaccine, created by Johnson & Johnson, is on hold for now but should be released soon to the public
ONTARIO: First Nations STEM mentorship program opens to high school students

ONTARIO: First Nations STEM mentorship program opens to high school students

The non-profit corporation hopes to have 30 Indigenous high school students enrol in the mentorship program this summer
CANADA: NACI advice on 'preferred vaccines' for COVID-19 sparks confusion, anger

CANADA: NACI advice on 'preferred vaccines' for COVID-19 sparks confusion, anger

So far in Canada, 12.8 million people have received at least one dose of a vaccine
COVID-19: First-ever image of variant supports faith in current vaccines, says UBC

COVID-19: First-ever image of variant supports faith in current vaccines, says UBC

The team's analysis, recently published in PLOS Biology, reveals that, once inside, the mutation can still be sidelined by antibodies from current vaccines
ONTARIO: Families, Experts say long-term care report shows pandemic lessons can't be ignored

ONTARIO: Families, Experts say long-term care report shows pandemic lessons can't be ignored

The commissioners said the government was ill-prepared for a pandemic, and failed to act as quickly as other jurisdictions to protect the long-term care sector
ONTARIO: Ornge says service will continue despite labour issues with paramedics

ONTARIO: Ornge says service will continue despite labour issues with paramedics

Ornge paramedics have taken issue a provincial law that came into effect in 2019 and caps public sector wage increases to one per cent a year