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ONTARIO: Province alleges family perpetrated $11M COVID benefit fraud

ONTARIO: Province alleges family perpetrated $11M COVID benefit fraud

According to the lawsuit, Sanjay Madan and his family opened more than 400 bank accounts and deposited around 10,000 cheques made out to fictitious applicants with thousands of non-existent children under the support program
ONTARIO: Former psychiatric patients testify about harmful impacts of experimental treatments

ONTARIO: Former psychiatric patients testify about harmful impacts of experimental treatments

New hearing will attach dollar figure to liability of two former Oak Ridge doctors and the Crown
ONTARIO: COVID-19 response hampered by 'delays and confusion in decision-making,' AG says

ONTARIO: COVID-19 response hampered by 'delays and confusion in decision-making,' AG says

Outdated provincial emergency plans played a role in slowing down the response in the winter and spring, as did systemic issues such as a lack of laboratory surge capacity and old IT systems, Bonnie Lysyk said in a report
ONTARIO: Thunder Bay residents file $350-million class-action lawsuit against city over leaking pipes

ONTARIO: Thunder Bay residents file $350-million class-action lawsuit against city over leaking pipes

Residents across the city have been experiencing pinhole leaks in copper water pipes and have repeatedly called on the city for answers and have only been met with silence.
BEYOND LOCAL: People with disabilities at risk of being wrongly deemed ‘incompetent’ by health system, expert says

BEYOND LOCAL: People with disabilities at risk of being wrongly deemed ‘incompetent’ by health system, expert says

Many of the assessments used to evaluate capacity do not account for specific types of disabilities
BEYOND LOCAL: STEM learning should engage students' minds, hands and hearts

BEYOND LOCAL: STEM learning should engage students' minds, hands and hearts

Our educational systems should be doing more to ensure STEM classrooms are places where relevant inquiry pertaining to real-life issues thrives, prof says
ONTARIO: COVID-19 rapid tests deployed to some hospitals, long-term care homes

ONTARIO: COVID-19 rapid tests deployed to some hospitals, long-term care homes

Premier Doug Ford said rapid tests have been sent to 36 long-term care homes and 27 retirement homes, and some hospitals
COVID-19: Trudeau says lack of Canadian vaccine production means others could get inoculations first

COVID-19: Trudeau says lack of Canadian vaccine production means others could get inoculations first

The prime minister's comments came as Ontario and Quebec each reported more than 1,000 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday
WORLD: OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma pleads guilty in criminal case

WORLD: OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma pleads guilty in criminal case

In a virtual hearing with a federal judge in Newark, New Jersey, the OxyContin maker admitted impeding the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's efforts to combat the addiction crisis
CANADA: Airport industry group calls for urgent aid as pandemic lockdown chokes off revenue

CANADA: Airport industry group calls for urgent aid as pandemic lockdown chokes off revenue

The majority of Canada’s airports are not subsidized by the government, relying instead on revenue generated from passenger air travel, the CAC said