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Beyond Local

ONTARIO: Groups say emergency orders to fight pandemic violate privacy

ONTARIO: Groups say emergency orders to fight pandemic violate privacy

Orders will likely be extended beyond June 9
ONTARIO: Courts won't return to normal until vaccine is readily available

ONTARIO: Courts won't return to normal until vaccine is readily available

Ontario chief justice tells lawyers in a virtual 'fireside chat' that when in-court hearings resume July 6 or later they won't be operating like they were prior to March 17
BEYOND LOCAL: Tips for sleeping better during a global health crisis

BEYOND LOCAL: Tips for sleeping better during a global health crisis

A good quality sleep of a sufficient duration is essential to being able to function well both physically and mentally
WORLD: Press pass offering little defence for journalists caught in the U.S. fray

WORLD: Press pass offering little defence for journalists caught in the U.S. fray

Social media platforms have been littered with images of police targeting reporters directly
COVID-19: Ontario mulls collection of race-based data

COVID-19: Ontario mulls collection of race-based data

Some argue it's essential
WORLD: As U.S. boils over, Trudeau says systemic racism in Canada must be addressed

WORLD: As U.S. boils over, Trudeau says systemic racism in Canada must be addressed

Trudeau says many don't see this bias but it is a reality for visible minorities in Canada
WATCH: 'This will not be happening again,' Elliott says of 700 cases not reported to Public Health

WATCH: 'This will not be happening again,' Elliott says of 700 cases not reported to Public Health

Health minister says the issue has been rectified
WATCH: 'Good luck to 'em,' Ford says in response to racial, political tensions in the U.S.

WATCH: 'Good luck to 'em,' Ford says in response to racial, political tensions in the U.S.

Ford stated it is like 'night and day' between Canada and the U.S. when it comes to issues of race, politics
CANADA: Federal delay of MMIWG action plan sparks dismay ahead of inquiry anniversary

CANADA: Federal delay of MMIWG action plan sparks dismay ahead of inquiry anniversary

Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Carolyn Bennett's announcement last week that Ottawa is delaying its national action plan because of the COVID-19 pandemic has instead sparked widespread dismay
ONTARIO: Patient ombudsman starts new investigation into long-term care

ONTARIO: Patient ombudsman starts new investigation into long-term care

The patient ombudsman's office had asked staff, family members, caregivers and residents to contact them with concerns about the safety of staff and residents