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Monday, December 30, 2002

THREE DRUNK DRIVERS ARRESTED Friday evening and into the early morning hours of Saturday, the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service conducted RIDE checks in various locations in the city.
Friday evening and into the early morning hours of Saturday, the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service conducted RIDE checks in various locations in the city. Officers checked in excess of 585 vehicles and charged a 52-year-old male with refusing to provide breath samples.

On Saturday and into yesterday morning, the RIDE Program, including officers from the Ontario Provincial Police were once again conducting impaired driving checks. Officers checked 950 vehicles and conducted 21 roadside tests. Six 12-hour suspensions were issued and three drivers were arrested for being over the legal limit of .08.

Saturday at 4:40 am, patrol officers located Nathan McCaig, age 28 of 1185 Victoria Avenue in Windsor and police records checks revealed an outstanding arrest warrant held by the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service for failing to attend court on Impaired Driving charges.

Officers arrested McCaig on the strength of the warrant and charged him with failing to attend court. He will appear in court Feb. 3rd to answer to both the Impaired Driving and failing to appear in court charges.

On Saturday at 8:32 am, patrol officers were called to a residence on MacDonald Ave. where a 20-year-old male was found slumped over the wheel of his vehicle. The male exhibited signs of alcohol consumption and police commenced an investigation into the incident. Subsequently the male was issued a 12-hour suspension.

At approximately 2:12 am yesterday, Darrel Dowding, age 26 of 172 Cathcart St. was found operating a Pontiac car on Gore Street. The accused was found to be exhibiting strong signs of impairment having blood shot eyes, slurred speech, and a strong smell of an alcoholic beverage on his breath.

Patrol Officers subsequently arrested and charged Dowding with impaired driving. He will appear in court on Feb. 3rd.

Yesterday, David Connolly, age 41 of 82 Glenwood Ave was stopped at a RIDE program on East Street. An immediate odour of an alcoholic beverage was detected.

The accused, David Connolly was given a roadside-screening test, which registered an alert, 12-hour suspension. A check of Connolly on the police records system revealed his licence was seized for driving over the legal limit and the suspension was confirmed.

At 12:49 am, the accused was arrested and charged with driving while disqualified. He will appear in court Feb. 3rd.

On Saturday at about 7:00 am, Brian Macleod, age 19 of 744 Second Line, allegedly damaged the door of an apartment at a building on Old Garden River Rd. The Police were contacted for assistance.

The accused was arrested for breach of the peace and during the course of the arrest he resisted two officers violently. Officers had to pepper spray Macleod to gain control of him.

Macleod was charged with Mischief and Resisting Arrest. The damage caused to the door was approximately $500. He is scheduled to appear in court Feb. 3rd.

On Friday, at 2:30 am at a bar on Queen Street, Dustin Guay, age 23 of 51 Rossmore Road, allegedly assaulted a 38-year-old male by choking and punching him about the face and head area. The victim went to the police the station and was able to identify the accused from a photo line up.

The victim subsequently went to the hospital for treatment of facial injuries. Yesterday at 9:30 am the accused turned himself in to Police and he was arrested and charged with Assault. He will appear in court Feb. 3rd.

Yesterday at approximately 12:45 am, Michael Brouillard, age 26 of 238 Brown St. was found to be breaching a probation order by being out past his curfew of 12 midnight to 6 am, 7 days a week.

The accused was located by patrol officers enroute to a bar on Queen Street. He was arrested and charged with Breach of Probation. He will appear in court Feb. 3rd.

Police officers were advised by a female in her mid twenties that her ex-boyfriend had been harassing her since June 2002 by leaving threatening notes at her residence, leaving threatening voice messages on her boyfriends answering machine and by following her to her friends house on a couple of occasions.

Yesterday at 8:00 p.m., the accused, a 39-year-old male from Brunswick Avenue was arrested and charged with criminal harassment. He will attend in court on Feb. 3rd.

Yesterday at 9:59 pm, police observed a vehicle on Goulais Avenue north of Fourth Line. Officers checked the vehicle and detected a strong smell of a narcotic. Officers located a small amount of marijuana in the vehicle and in possession of the several occupants in the vehicle.

Subsequently four young offenders were arrested for Possession of a Controlled Drug. The youths, a 17 year old and 15 year old male, along with two 17 year old females will appear in court in late January to answer to this charge.

This morning at 2:30 am, patrol officers were called to a residence on Goulais Avenue where a 30-year-old female had been involved in a domestic assault with a 29-year-old male.

The male assaulted the female by trying to choke her and then struck her in the mouth with a telephone when she tried to call 911.

The female received a cut lip and bruising. Patrol officers attended at the home and intervened, arresting and charging the male with Assault. He will appear in court Feb. 3rd.

Yesterday at approximately 8:40 am, officers were called to at a home on Old Goulais Bay Road regarding the theft of a snowmobile. A 1993 black and yellow Ski Doo MXZ was stolen from behind the house. The machine was described as being in excellent shape with the name of Amy on the driver?s side.

It was stolen sometime after midnight. The machine had been parked behind the back steps of the house when thieves removed it.

Patrol officers were called to a home on Brien Avenue last evening at 7:12 pm for a report of a break and enter. The occupants returned to find the home had been entered.

Officers are investigating these incidents. If you have information on these occurrences, you are asked to contact the police service at 949-6300 or Crimestoppers.

The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service reminds the public not to drink and drive. The Police Service will actively be conducting RIDE checks and patrols for Impaired Drivers through the rest of the holiday season. ?If you drink don?t drive.?