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Saturday, October 30, 2004

A combination of unseasonably warm weather and the run-up to Halloween meant that City Police were hopping overnight. However, most of the offences they encountered were of a relatively minor nature.
A combination of unseasonably warm weather and the run-up to Halloween meant that City Police were hopping overnight.

However, most of the offences they encountered were of a relatively minor nature.

Eight prisoners were being prepared for weekend court appearances on matters ranging from arrest warrants to domestic assaults.

With Sunday night being Halloween, police expect similarly busy nights and drivers are asked to use caution with lots of young people on the road.

Halloween news release

The Sault Ste Marie Police Services would like to let the public know that once again the Twin Soo Radio Club volunteers will be out on Devil’s Night and Halloween Night assisting the City Police to help ensure the public has a safe and crime free time.

The members of the club will be operating vehicles, which will have a "Community Safety Patrol" decal on their vehicles.

They will notify the City Police of any criminal activities but will not respond to any calls.

City Police recommend that all door-to-door "trick or treating" by completed by 8 p.m.

With the time change this gives children two hours of darkness, which should be ample time.

The Sault Ste Marie Police Services wishes everyone a safe and happy Halloween.

Here are a few guidelines which may assist you and your family.

Halloween Tips:

- never go inside any home to accept your treats

- when going door to door, children should travel in a group accompanied by at least one adult

- if your children must go out alone make sure your know the route they intend to take and walk it with them first in the daylight hours.

- take note of potential hazards and places of safety, such as stores or houses with Block Parent signs

- cross only at corners or crosswalks; never cross between parked cars or the middle of the block

- if there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic

- trick or treat while it is still light out, or carry flashlight and only visit well lit homes

- instruct your child not to eat any treats until you have checked them. Some treats, such as popcorn balls, apples , whether candied or not, should be discarded unless given by a well-known neighbour

- wear a costume that is non-flammable and brightly coloured

- place reflective tape on the front and back of the costume for better visibility

- consider face paint instead of a mask. If you use a mask cut large eye openings and push the mask up on the head while walking

Tips for parents

- check all of your children’s treats before they eat them. Throw away any treats that have been opened or are in torn wrappers

- suspicions of tampered treats should be reported to the Sault Ste Marie City Police

- leave your lights on so people will know you are home and are giving our treats

- keep your pets indoors

The City Police would like to remind motorists to be extra cautious when traveling during the trick or treat hours.

The children get caught up in the excitement of the holiday and do not pay attention to cars all of the time.

If you see any suspicious activity on either Devil’s Night or Halloween, call the City Police immediately.

Have a safe and Happy Halloween.
