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Back Roads Bill

BACK ROADS BILL: Who knew potholes were so popular

BACK ROADS BILL: Who knew potholes were so popular

This week Bill revisits a story and discovers there is more interest than meets the eye
Things to do to help Hearst celebrate its centennial

Things to do to help Hearst celebrate its centennial

This week Bill takes us to Hearst for their centennial celebrations and looks at things to do in and around town
Back Roads Bill takes us to parks near Sudbury (9 photos)

Back Roads Bill takes us to parks near Sudbury (9 photos)

This week Bill takes us to more parks in Northeastern Ontario, he’s headed towards the City of Greater Sudbury and its three nearby provincial parks and some other honourable mentions as he completes this series of five stories
Day tripping at parks in the northeast (7 photos)

Day tripping at parks in the northeast (7 photos)

This week Bill takes us to three more parks in northeastern Ontario, he’s headed north towards Kapuskasing and Hearst prime for day trips
Visit three more parks with Back Roads Bill (8 photos)

Visit three more parks with Back Roads Bill (8 photos)

This week he takes us to Esker Lakes, Kettle Lakes and Ivanhoe provincial parks, prime locations for day trips
Bears, wolves a space ship and their stories (13 photos)

Bears, wolves a space ship and their stories (13 photos)

This week, Back Roads Bill tells us the stories of some of the roadside attractions he visited on the way to his backroads adventures along the two Trans Canada highways in northern Ontario
Falls, trees and an artist on Highway 11 (photos, video)

Falls, trees and an artist on Highway 11 (photos, video)

This week Bill takes us to three more parks along the Highway 11 corridor - prime spots for day trips
Going all the way west in Ontario (11 photos)

Going all the way west in Ontario (11 photos)

This week, Bill takes us to visit the western-most point in Ontario - which happened to be underwater at the time he arrived
The pick of Ontario. A story of amethyst and adventure

The pick of Ontario. A story of amethyst and adventure

This week, Back Roads Bill stops at an amethyst mine on the way to the most westerly point in Ontario
Day tripping in northern Ontario parks? Yes, says Bill

Day tripping in northern Ontario parks? Yes, says Bill

This week Bill starts a series on the benefits of utilizing provincial parks on a daily basis along with things to do in nearby communities. This week it is a cluster of three parks near North Bay