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Coronavirus (COVID-19) National News

COVID-19: What will happen to school grades during the coronavirus pandemic?

COVID-19: What will happen to school grades during the coronavirus pandemic?

Secondary and post-secondary education systems will both need assessment and grading practices that reflect the realities of schooling in an emergency, says Brock U professor
COVID-19: A catalyst for entrepreneurship?

COVID-19: A catalyst for entrepreneurship?

What’s happening during the crisis will have a lasting impact on society. Current signs of entrepreneurial initiative and goodwill give us some cause for optimism
LIVE: Updated COVID-19 projections for Ontario to be revealed Monday

LIVE: Updated COVID-19 projections for Ontario to be revealed Monday

Ford, Romano also announce $20 million in funding to develop coronavirus vaccine in Ontario
ONTARIO: COVID-19 exploits systemic cracks in nursing homes to devastating effect

ONTARIO: COVID-19 exploits systemic cracks in nursing homes to devastating effect

To date, more than 100 homes have seen more than 1,200 cases of COVID-19 among residents, accounting for about half the 478 known deaths in the province
BEYOND LOCAL: COVID-19 is an opportunity to rethink how we talk to kids about serious stuff

BEYOND LOCAL: COVID-19 is an opportunity to rethink how we talk to kids about serious stuff

Many parents today may feel compelled to manufacture an innocent, even magical childhood by protecting them from sadness, grief, fear and even disappointment
BEYOND LOCAL: University study on football players shows link between concussions and poor inhibition

BEYOND LOCAL: University study on football players shows link between concussions and poor inhibition

Researchers discovered that those who had suffered a concussion performed well on 11 of the 12 cognitive tests, but showed impairment in the test of inhibitory control
COVID-19: Doctors don't know when masks are coming, despite deliveries arriving in Canada

COVID-19: Doctors don't know when masks are coming, despite deliveries arriving in Canada

Surgical masks and disposable N95 respirators are in highest demand, but doctors who are typically responsible for ordering their own protective equipment say suppliers are bereft of stock
COVID-19: Air travellers required to wear non-medical masks under new rules

COVID-19: Air travellers required to wear non-medical masks under new rules

Travellers will be required to wear the masks during screening, when directed by public health or airline officials, and other instances where maintaining physical distancing is impossible
CANADA: Is it or isn't it? How we know when we're in a recession

CANADA: Is it or isn't it? How we know when we're in a recession

Canadians will find out May 1 if the country is in an official recession
COVID-19: RV owners helping essential workers self-isolate, protect their family members

COVID-19: RV owners helping essential workers self-isolate, protect their family members

Ontario paramedic is positive he's been exposed to the virus, but is anxious about the prospect of deserting the family home in the final months before he and his wife welcome their first child