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Coronavirus (COVID-19) National News

CANADA: Troops ordered to keep guard up to protect military from COVID-19 resurgence

CANADA: Troops ordered to keep guard up to protect military from COVID-19 resurgence

Troops were warned the pandemic is likely get worse before it gets better, with expectations it could last 12 months or longer and manifest in a number of waves across the country
COVID-19: Everything you want to know about cloth masks

COVID-19: Everything you want to know about cloth masks

Although cloth masks have been widely adopted, many people still have questions about them
COVID-19: Opinion of young staffers matter in navigating COVID-19 safety in the workplace, prof says

COVID-19: Opinion of young staffers matter in navigating COVID-19 safety in the workplace, prof says

Young workers, usually defined as those between 15 and 24 years old, are particularly vulnerable during COVID-19 because they often work in front-line jobs in bars, restaurants and stores
COVID-19: What is the ‘Swiss cheese model’ and how can it apply to coronavirus?

COVID-19: What is the ‘Swiss cheese model’ and how can it apply to coronavirus?

The “Swiss Cheese Model” uses slices of cheese to visualize how interventions work together
CANADA: Chief public health officer calls for continued 'collective effort' against COVID-19

CANADA: Chief public health officer calls for continued 'collective effort' against COVID-19

Dr. Theresa Tam issued a statement acknowledging that confusion over appropriate public health measures is understandable in light of the fact that the pandemic is playing out differently across different provinces and territories
CANADA: Virtual emergency rooms bridge gap between health-care professionals, patients amid pandemic

CANADA: Virtual emergency rooms bridge gap between health-care professionals, patients amid pandemic

Since the onset of COVID-19, doctors say they have been hearing how patients are more and more anxious about going to the hospital
CANADA: Two reports suggest pandemic intensifying inequalities as poor get poorer

CANADA: Two reports suggest pandemic intensifying inequalities as poor get poorer

A pair of new reports say Canada is undergoing a 'K-shaped recovery,' with working-class Canadians going deeper into debt while those at the top prosper
COVID-19: Ontarians unclear on how to access social support during pandemic, survey finds

COVID-19: Ontarians unclear on how to access social support during pandemic, survey finds

More than half of the respondents to the survey said if their families needed extra help, they would not know where to seek it out
BEYOND LOCAL: How the role of designated driver has modernized

BEYOND LOCAL: How the role of designated driver has modernized

The concept of Buddy Circles expands the designated driver role to include broader substance use and other risks
ONTARIO: FAO says second lockdown could slow economic recovery as it faces $37B deficit

ONTARIO: FAO says second lockdown could slow economic recovery as it faces $37B deficit

The Financial Accountability Office says the economic reopening was earlier and broader than it expected, and as a result, the agency now projects Ontario's real gross domestic product will decline by 6.8 per cent this year, rather than the nine per cent it forecast in the spring