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Great Stories

Do you know someone with a great story? We want to share it!

Everyone knows a great person with a great story. So, our concept is simple. Find amazing people in our community with great stories to tell and share those stories with everyone else.

We are looking for heroes, philanthropists, innovators, volunteers, good neighbours, visionaries, donors, adventurers, veterans or anyone you think is a great person with a unique story.

Submit a short summary that includes the name of the person and the story you think we should highlight. Give us your name and contact info as well as the contact for the person you want us to write about (or the best person to contact that can tell their story).

Submit below.

Sault musician offers a helping hand

Sault musician offers a helping hand

Saultite, Vince Boschi hopes to help people grappling with mental health issues through his latest song and video
Checking in with Elysia

Checking in with Elysia

Educated, motivated, ambitious - still drowning in debt?
Woman with many hats lives like lioness

Woman with many hats lives like lioness

Communicates a will to keep things fresh, avoid stagnation
Trail system maintained by volunteers reopens in Thessalon (8 photos)

Trail system maintained by volunteers reopens in Thessalon (8 photos)

Stewart Highlands trails, closed since 2014, has reopened thanks to busy volunteers
Inventor seeks investors for long walk on thick ice

Inventor seeks investors for long walk on thick ice

Brendan Syrette has a winning performer in his invention of the Trigger but is looking to cast his line further
Summer camp rethinks and regroups during COVID shutdowns

Summer camp rethinks and regroups during COVID shutdowns

All Tribes Christian Camp, under the direction of Chrissy Fliestra, plans return with new high-ropes course
Training takes on key role in an uncertain winter for Mac Marcoux

Training takes on key role in an uncertain winter for Mac Marcoux

Having not competed in a World Cup event this season due to COVID-19, Mac Marcoux is doing what he can to make the best use of his time
How Algoma Autism Foundation continues to fight isolation during COVID

How Algoma Autism Foundation continues to fight isolation during COVID

Despite difficulties, organization continues to support families
Ever wonder how some of these west-end schools got their names?

Ever wonder how some of these west-end schools got their names?

Who were David Kyle, Uriah McFadden and Isabel Fletcher?
A family farm that helped grow a community (19 photos)

A family farm that helped grow a community (19 photos)

Five generations of the Coulter family have furrowed fields for kin and community on Elmlahoma