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In loving memory of our precious mother, nana and great nana who passed away May 8, 2021. You have been gone two years and not a day goes by where we long for you.
Mom, we all miss you so much. Your memory is alive in our chats and get togethers. We miss everything about you, your sweet smile, your kindness, the way you loved your flowers and plants, how you would spend hours in the garden so happy, your delicious cooking, your awesome baking, your solid practical advice, and all the stories you had. How we all wish we had more time with you. You have shaped us all to be better adults.
So many memories for us to cherish. We were blessed to have you as our mother.
It does give us comfort to know you are reunited with Dad.
You will always be our angel.
Thank you mom for everything you did for us.
Heaven is a much brighter place with you in it. In God’s Garden, you are the most beautiful flower.
Forever in our hearts, your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren xoxo