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B-boys on the bus: (20 photos of Swollen Members)

B-boys on the bus: (20 photos of Swollen Members)

As I sat in the comforts of the tour bus admiring the mirrored ceiling and plush leather upholstery, a rather short, blond-haired man with tattoos and intense eyes wandered from the back section and stuck his hand out to me.
Inside the new Steelback Centre (13 photos)

Inside the new Steelback Centre (13 photos)

So what if the parking lot isn't paved and the score clock video doesn't work yet and some of the doors are lacking handles and latches? So what? The really, really, really important stuff, like a concession cooler full of Frank D'Angelo's D'Uh Brand
Rob Armieri is the toast of Sudbury

Rob Armieri is the toast of Sudbury

Sewing 35 metres of green fabric, almost 72 straight hours of video editing and a whack of other superhuman feats won Rob Armieri an award this past weekend. Armieri, a recent graduate of St.
Is Aaron Sorkin using his ex's arguments in TV scripts?

Is Aaron Sorkin using his ex's arguments in TV scripts?

NEWS RELEASE THE NEW YORK DOG MAGAZINE ************************* Kristin Chenoweth tells The New York Dog Magazine she wants her 10 percent from ex, Aaron Sorkin NEW YORK, September 26 - Kristin Chenoweth has revealed to Leslie Padgett, editor of The
Girls Gone Wild founder pleads guilty in sexploitation case

Girls Gone Wild founder pleads guilty in sexploitation case

Tonight, Jennifer Hedger goes HD

Tonight, Jennifer Hedger goes HD

Mr. Ed has been a huge Jennifer Hedger fan since her obscure cable-television days in London, Ontario.
Indie filmmaker benefits from new Costner/Kutcher flick

Indie filmmaker benefits from new Costner/Kutcher flick

NEWS RELEASE LIA SCOTT PRICE PRODUCTIONS ************************* Lia Scott Price's The Guardian film confused with Costner/Kutcher flick Los Angeles, September 23 - Sometimes film titles with the same name, when inadvertently released at the same t
How the stars of Monk are spending Rosh Hashanah

How the stars of Monk are spending Rosh Hashanah

NEWS RELEASE FRED JORDAN MISSION ************************* Hollywood celebrities pitch in to feed and vlothe the homeless on skid row Tony Shalhoub, Stanley Kamel and other cast members from the hit show 'Monk' join volunteers to feed and clothe the
Craig West raps, Steve Mozarowski speaks (10 photos)

Craig West raps, Steve Mozarowski speaks (10 photos)

It turns out Steve Mozarowski has more to say than I had originally thought. We sat and talked about Smeltzer's album, their upcoming gig with Propagandhi, punk rock mosh pits and Craig West.
Universities collaborate on dance/motion-capture fusion

Universities collaborate on dance/motion-capture fusion

NEWS RELEASE INDIANA UNIVERSITY ************************** "I think audiences are ready for this" - motion capture and modern dance Ben Munisteri of the New York-based Ben Munisteri Dance Projects is in the midst of creating a potentially groundbreak