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Member since: Nov, 2004

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Come downtown for a 'street beach party' (and free food)

Come downtown for a 'street beach party' (and free food)

Local News |

nascarnutt commented

Awesome love it

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PODCAST: Get ready to receive speeding tickets in the mail

PODCAST: Get ready to receive speeding tickets in the mail

Today in the Soo |

nascarnutt replied

I find and know for a fact people here just don't how to drive, as over 88.35% drive and hold up traffic in the passing lanes. This causes drivers to do what they have to in order to get by these vehicles any way they can as fast as they can!

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These Sault councillors want to drive fast on Highway 17

These Sault councillors want to drive fast on Highway 17

Local News |

nascarnutt replied

yes its worth it
think of those doing that stretch at least 2x a day

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nascarnutt replied

Sorry but that has NOTHING to do with the speed limit!!!!

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PODCAST: Should the speed limit be boosted on Hwy. 17?

PODCAST: Should the speed limit be boosted on Hwy. 17?

Today in the Soo |

nascarnutt replied

110+ just a suggestion with less people passing one another it will reduce collisions

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Algoma Steel looks for buyers for its electric arc furnace dust

Algoma Steel looks for buyers for its electric arc furnace dust

Local News |

nascarnutt commented

What an advancement towards environment. More like a sort of B.S. the electric vehicles are, considering it has been proven and shown to cause more environmentally damaging, effects just to build the batteries than the fossil fuels are.

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LETTER: Ford's effort to gut LCBO will do nothing to help consumers

LETTER: Ford's effort to gut LCBO will do nothing to help consumers

Letters to the Editor |

nascarnutt replied

yes I agree
LCBO has raised prices at least 3x this past year alone anyways. Look in the U.S.A How their prices compare why so cheap over there maybe because you can buy it in any store???
I don,t know???

9 17

Kids invited to enjoy 'summer storytime' every Thursday

Kids invited to enjoy 'summer storytime' every Thursday

Local News |

nascarnutt commented

This must be the sick drag queen book reading session to our ***( who we should be protecting from such things)*** vulnerable kids of our society. This world is definitely near its end.
People wonder why our society is in such peril. Go figure.

12 12 2

VIDEO: Using taxpayer cash to help save YMCA is ‘the only path forward,’ mayor says

VIDEO: Using taxpayer cash to help save YMCA is ‘the only path forward,’ mayor says

Local News |

nascarnutt commented

Sure let the politicians pay for it out of their wages. They always claim they are working for us people, lets see them give a little l!!! YEAH right like that will ever happen, Sure let us retired fixed income never had a raise people pay for it!!! What a world we live in!!! JUST AWESOME LOL

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'Like a nightmare': Sault tenant frustrated with southern Ontario landlord

'Like a nightmare': Sault tenant frustrated with southern Ontario landlord

Local News |

nascarnutt replied

If anyone gets hurt due to any kind of neglect like a tripping hazard seek legal action and line "your" pockets, that will teach them to be accountable and maintain the property correctly, including having all appliances like laundry machines in good and proper working order. Then they may start to respect their tenants,

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