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Martha Henrickson

Martha Henrickson

Member since: May, 2020

Been living in the area for close to 20 years., especially since we retired.. My art is in many private /public collections. Published chapbooks have two poems included in anthology “old age young Hearts”available at Georgian Bay Books in Midland.

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Recent Comments

LETTER: Non-permanent residents create 'vicious cycle' that hurts North Simcoe full-timers

LETTER: Non-permanent residents create 'vicious cycle' that hurts North Simcoe full-timers

Letters to the Editor |

Martha Henrickson
Martha Henrickson commented

I don't think its much grandkids that are coming up to visit their's more the weekend cottagers...and last summer (in the pandemic) and this one coming up, will see a lot of non-residents at their cottages with friends...if they stayed at their cottage area and did their shopping before coming up it would be better for all. They will come, no doubt. My grandchildren were here once in the winter with masks, and last summer for a short visit. They live 6 hrs away and it was a safe visit.

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Five Midland residents among 75 COVID-19 cases reported in region today

Five Midland residents among 75 COVID-19 cases reported in region today

Local News |

Martha Henrickson
Martha Henrickson commented

are there never extra spaces for vaccines because of cancellations?

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Health unit confirms 71 new COVID cases in region today

Health unit confirms 71 new COVID cases in region today

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Local News |

Martha Henrickson
Martha Henrickson commented

waiting for the vaccine (no AstaZen) for 79 year olds living in the community Iand a few years under have been left behind...So just seniors over 80 count...interesting ...

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Two local residents among 112 new COVID-19 cases in Simcoe County today

Two local residents among 112 new COVID-19 cases in Simcoe County today

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Local News |

Martha Henrickson
Martha Henrickson commented

How does one know if one can get the vaccine and when?

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79 new COVID cases in region today, including one Midland woman

79 new COVID cases in region today, including one Midland woman

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Local News |

Martha Henrickson
Martha Henrickson commented

when will seniors living in their own homes receive the vaccine

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