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Slim Shady

Slim Shady

Member since: Jan, 2007

Recent Comments

What went up in price — and down — at the grocery store

What went up in price — and down — at the grocery store

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady replied

The LAST thing this country needs is yet another Nanny State-driven TAX. What needs to be done is an investigation of all price-fixing, collusion, and other forms of unfair business practices. There needs to be stricter enforcement with significant financial penalties AND jail time for the Board of Directors of convicted companies.

17 6

Ontario pharmacists may soon be able to treat even more minor ailments

Ontario pharmacists may soon be able to treat even more minor ailments

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady commented

The way it seems to me is I am paying top dollar in high taxes for hospitals and healthcare and people still can't get a family doctor, ER waits are typically 4-8 hours and the government solution is to download these services to less trained people like physicians and nurses. No offense but who is liable if they misdiagnose something (due to insufficient knowledge or training) as minor and it isn't? Who is going to safeguard abuse of the system where drugs are prescribed without adequate examination? Will this downloading of services now make huge wait times at your local pharmacy to get your Rx filled?

4 6 0

Physician shortage means another temporary closure at Thessalon ER

Physician shortage means another temporary closure at Thessalon ER

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady replied

The healthcare storm has been brewing since the late 1980s and early 1990s.... Not exclusively due to the current government. You can blame the Feds and how they cut funding to the provinces.

3 4

City considers roundabout at Second Line and Goulais Avenue

City considers roundabout at Second Line and Goulais Avenue

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady commented

They want to make Second Line a two-lane highway from a 4-lane?! It is already packed and congested! If anything they should extend the four lanes past Allen Side Road!

12 9 0

Lawsuits, unpaid bills pile up for out-of-town landlord scolded by city council

Lawsuits, unpaid bills pile up for out-of-town landlord scolded by city council

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady replied

Council is bound by Provincial laws, namely the Municipal Act and the Planning Act. You just can't deny a new proposed development because of what you "think" may happen. You can not be prejudice against a proposal because you don't like who the company/person is. If you are looking for change or ability to control development, you are blaming the wrong level of government, you need to lobby the Province. Calling council a joke over something they do not have any legal rights to control shows you don't understand the law and how it applies to the community you live in.

13 2

Who will enforce the new classroom cellphone rules?

Who will enforce the new classroom cellphone rules?

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady commented

Back in our day, we had a Teacher with a ruler who would wack you across the knuckles if you did not follow the classroom rules... It was very effective and people grew up to respect authority with manners. Now the kid tells the teacher where to go and society sides with the kid.

47 8 5

Canoe believe it? Another Trudeau photo op in the Sault

Canoe believe it? Another Trudeau photo op in the Sault

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady commented

Where's Jaws or the Lockness Monster when you need them!....

29 9 1

Province went against expert advice on safe consumption sites

Province went against expert advice on safe consumption sites

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady commented

Shooting taxpayer dollars into the arms of addicts is NOT the answer. The province should not be the narcotic dealer of free drugs to addicts. We need more rehab centres, outgoing support services, and transitional housing (half way houses) for rehabilitated addicts. We need stricter laws to send drug dealers to prison with meaningful mandatory sentences. We need laws that mandate drug addicts who commit crimes into rehab centres and treatment.

27 4 0

Tony Porco’s Gateway site plans to be announced Friday

Tony Porco’s Gateway site plans to be announced Friday

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady replied

That stretch of contaminated land has remained vacant since the mid-1990s not adding to the city's bottom line of assessed tax base. Here you have a proven developer who has purchased the property with shovel-ready plans to turn it into new attractions and shops that will help draw people to the area, create jobs, and add tax dollars into the City coffers.... and you have an issue with that? Do you really think that we will attract a Toronto developer and get a few dollars more? (wait.... we already entertained a couple and their plans fell through).

58 2

Steelworkers give update on Group Health Centre court action

Steelworkers give update on Group Health Centre court action

Local News |

Slim Shady
Slim Shady replied

It is easy to blame someone else for something you should be doing. You should file a grievance every time a contractor does a USW job. Over 1,000 L2251 & L2724 jobs will be lost regardless once the EAF comes online and they phase out IM, CM, and BP; there's nothing he or anyone can do when positions are eliminated by closing redundant operations. The fact that he is litigating the GHC for their breach of contract is sticking up for L2251 employees and retirees who paid into its development.

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