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Member since: Dec, 2020

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THOMAS, Louise Assunta

THOMAS, Louise Assunta

Obituaries |

sinbadthesailor commented

Lloyd & sincere condolences , a GREAT Marriage and a Life WELL LIVED . May GOD comfort you at this difficult time ..... Sincerely ..... Glen Thomas .

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THERIAULT, Philip Vaughn Jr.

THERIAULT, Philip Vaughn Jr.

Obituaries |

sinbadthesailor commented

J.P. , Sharon , Dennis , Michelle , Christine ; Sorry to read of your loss ! I always enjoyed meeting Phil ,,,just an all-around GOOD GUY ! May GOD comfort you at this difficult time ..... Sincerely ..... Glen .

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How did a convicted fraudster end up teaching law at Algoma University?

How did a convicted fraudster end up teaching law at Algoma University?

Local News |

sinbadthesailor commented

I'm surprised at Broadbent speaking out against another Professional at all . I had a Lawyer in Sault Ste. Marie now practising in Guelph , Ontario commit Negligence and then Fraud and when I attempted to pursue him could not find a Lawyer anywhere that would do so ( even in Sudbury ) ! I finally GAVE UP and asked the Law Society to investigate for possible disbarrment but after reading this report probably shouldn't expect much .

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LETTER: Power bill last straw for unhappy camper

LETTER: Power bill last straw for unhappy camper

Letters to the Editor |

sinbadthesailor commented

Glenna Davey should be HAPPY with that small Bill . I own a Cottage on Manitoulin Island and vacate it each October ,,,,,throwing the switch OFF when I leave . I just Paid my Hydro One Bill with 0 kWh usage and $189.08 Delivery Charge , and I don't even get a THANK YOU from all those Millionaire Executives !!! ( Imagine that ??? )

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sinbadthesailor commented

Glenna Davey doesn't realize how LUCKY She is ! I own a Cottage on Manitoulin Island which I vacate in October each year ( and throw the Power Switch OFF when I leave ) ,,,,, I just Paid my Hydro One Power Bill with 0 kWh use and Paid $189.08 Delivery Charge ( and I don't even get a THANK YOU from all those Millionaire Executives they're Paying !!! ) .

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KRAPOHL, Guenter

KRAPOHL, Guenter

Obituaries |

sinbadthesailor commented

Hildegard , Tanja & Family .....So SORRY to read of Guenters passing , LOTS of Great Memories from times past ,,,,,may GOD be with and comfort you at this difficult time ..... Glen Thomas ( Sowerby Antiques ) .

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Obituaries |

sinbadthesailor commented

Chuck : my Sincere Condolences ,,,,, Parents shouldn't have to Bury their Children ,,,,consolation in knowing She is PRESENT WITH THE LORD ! ..... Glen Thomas

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SCHWINDT, Bruce Douglas

SCHWINDT, Bruce Douglas

Obituaries |

sinbadthesailor commented

Absent from the Body : Present with the LORD ! The entire Schwindt Family has always meant SO MUCH to the Thomas Family . Deepest Condolences to ALL OF THE EXTENDED FAMILY ..... Sincerely ,,,,, Glen Thomas .

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THOMAS, Dianne Mary

THOMAS, Dianne Mary

Obituaries |

sinbadthesailor commented

Judy , Dave , Lauri and Families ....Sorry to read of Dianes passing . Like many of the Thomas' leaving WAY TOO EARLY ! May GOD comfort you at this difficult time ,,,,,Sincerely ....Glen Thomas .

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Racialized adults on revised federal COVID-19 vaccination priority list

Racialized adults on revised federal COVID-19 vaccination priority list

National News |

sinbadthesailor commented

How about WAR VETERANS children ..... LEST WE FORGET !!! LOL for sure !!!

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