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Member since: Jul, 2011

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JUSSILA, Eric Wilfrid

JUSSILA, Eric Wilfrid

Obituaries |

Saultguy101 commented

Dear Jussila family,
I’m so sorry to read of Eric’s passing, he was a very conscientious and dependable coworker at the MNR, Aviation Services for many years. I always enjoyed working with him.
Deepest condolences,
Tim Bovingdon

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Ontario doctors are about to get a healthy pay raise

Ontario doctors are about to get a healthy pay raise

Local News |

Saultguy101 commented

Welll deserved!

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MATTILA, Gary Liaho

MATTILA, Gary Liaho

Obituaries |

Saultguy101 commented

My condolences to the Mattila family,
Tim Bovingdon

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ELGIE, Vivian Eva

ELGIE, Vivian Eva

Obituaries |

Saultguy101 commented

Mike, Sandra and family,
Expressing our deepest condolences for the loss of your mother/grandmother,
Tim & Carrie Bovingdon

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Sault Ste. Marie mayor: ‘Our community is addicted to parking’

Sault Ste. Marie mayor: ‘Our community is addicted to parking’

Local News |

Saultguy101 replied

Exactly what I was thinking…seriously how can he even use the word “addiction” for this petty issue when our city is falling apart due to the real “addiction” crisis we are experiencing!
I think it clearly shows why our city is in the state it’s in. I suspected Mr Shoemaker would be a fail as a Mayor when he was voted in and he certainly isn’t proving me wrong.

13 1

Passenger caught smoking in bathroom during Porter flight

Passenger caught smoking in bathroom during Porter flight

Local News |

Saultguy101 commented

I don't agree with this individual breaking the law and smoking on an aircraft but is this even newsworthy? If they had found a used hypodermic needle in the washroom sink the subject couldn't be discussed. What a messed up world we live in,

7 13 2

Recess head injury at Sault school results in $100K settlement

Recess head injury at Sault school results in $100K settlement

Local News |

Saultguy101 replied

Exactly, its sad. If every cut or scrape on the school playground warranted a 100K lawsuit the schools would have to shut down or at a minimum eliminate recess. Just keep the children inside sitting at their desk....its much to dangerous to play outside!

12 1

With Kinach opposed, council approves itsy-bitsy Queen St. rebuild

With Kinach opposed, council approves itsy-bitsy Queen St. rebuild

Local News |

Saultguy101 replied

“It’s Queen Streets turn” I had to chuckle when I read that classic pre-school logic. I don’t believe you can apply the taking turns rule when talking about road repairs. I would doubt that Matthew has ever driven on any of the roads in the west end to see how bad they are, Wallace Terrace (Regional Rd 550B) is like a roller coaster just to name one. Presently, Queen Street is probably in better condition than many roads that move the majority of traffic around our city on a daily basis.
Also, it’s likely that once this “refresh” of Queen Street starts it will be the focus of our road resurfacing budget for years to come until the beautification project is completed.

4 1

Here's why you're feeling so much pain at the pumps

Here's why you're feeling so much pain at the pumps

Local News |

Saultguy101 commented

Interesting to note also that the “Carbon Tax” is subjected to “HST” so we are paying tax on a tax…the Carbon Tax is not a good nor is it a service, it’s a tax! This should be illegal!

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PODCAST: Why oh why is the Y shutting down?

PODCAST: Why oh why is the Y shutting down?

Today in the Soo |

Saultguy101 commented

The fact that the YMCA is hosting an information session today from 1-3 o’clock says it all! Obviously the existing management has no regard for the individuals who use their services or they would host an information session early in the evening so people who are working during the day could attend….or maybe have 2 information sessions, one during the day and one this evening.

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