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Member since: Sep, 2011

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Ontario's hallway health care problem worse than ever, hospital data shows

Ontario's hallway health care problem worse than ever, hospital data shows

Local News |

Reese01 commented

This probably won't be posted but many people feel the same way!
And what does our "Wonderful" Government do about it! NOTHING except keep nurses wages low and keep doctors salaries low so no one want to become a doctor anymore and try for medical privatization that only the rich like them can afford! Thank You Govt. for nothing!

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'For the first time, maybe ever,' local food bank low on pasta

'For the first time, maybe ever,' local food bank low on pasta

Local News |

Reese01 replied

But many can not afford to help so why do the "Rich" not help a bit more!

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PODCAST: Yes, you can still park your car downtown

PODCAST: Yes, you can still park your car downtown

Today in the Soo |

Reese01 commented

The major grocery stores have a TON of pasta. Why can they not donate just a bit more?

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How extreme weather impacts prices at the grocery store

How extreme weather impacts prices at the grocery store

Local News |

Reese01 replied

TOO EXPENSIVE NOW. 38-40% exchange rate!

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Reese01 commented

As you mentioned, A 2019 federal government report said temperatures are projected to keep increasing, DRIVEN BY HUMAN INFLUENCE, while precipitation is also projected to increase. That is because the majority of Billionaires and many other people just don't care about the earth and their polluting companies do to our planet on MONEY!

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Sault 'totally screwed over' by carbon tax, Pierre Poilievre tells SooToday

Sault 'totally screwed over' by carbon tax, Pierre Poilievre tells SooToday

Local News |

Reese01 commented

I Think I will stop voting and before anyone comments: Think about it. The conservatives want to privatize medical so the wealthy can have it.. They do not freeze or lower rent for tenants who only make a minimum wage, they do not lower food prices. Sure, he says will give you your hunting rifle but he does not address the real issues and values of even the middle class people let alone the poor or the retired people of what they really need. As for the NDP, they make a promise to back Trudeau but what has Trudeau doe for us in the last 5 years... Nothing and he even will not revamp the young offenders act nor issue more money to people to survive yet he gives MILLIONS of our Tax money to everyone else in the world but does pass laws to make MJ legal so people can drive like many drunk drivers to cause accidents. He also does not understand the people of this Great Country Canada so, I ask you why vote when all the politicians are not capable to do what is necessary.

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Ontario developer coalition asks governments for tax breaks to pass on to homebuyers

Ontario developer coalition asks governments for tax breaks to pass on to homebuyers

Local News |

Reese01 commented

It's about time and all that sounds great but what about afterwards for tenants. Why does the Conservative Premier Ford or Prime minister Trudeau not lower the rent from some gouging landlords. For example; Newmarket rent is 38% higher that the national average. To me that's Gouging and the landlords should be criminally charged and rent needs to drop DRASTICALLY so people can afford to live once again!.

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Beer Store campaign to warn customers about upcoming price hike

Beer Store campaign to warn customers about upcoming price hike

Local News |

Reese01 replied

Not duty free if you don't stay for 24 hours!

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Reese01 replied

In Fords Closet

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Reese01 replied

Don't forget the exchange rate 35%

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