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Member since: Apr, 2016

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Have you had trouble driving because roadway painting in the Sault has been late this year?

Poll |

skizzz commented

It's late every year. They should be out in May/June but they wait until August/September - just in time for the snow to cover it up a couple months later! Another bang up job SSM public works.

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‘We’re not going to back down,’ teachers union rep says (7 photos)

‘We’re not going to back down,’ teachers union rep says (7 photos)

Local News |

skizzz replied

I remember having over 30 some years. Less work more pay should be the slogan on their strike signs.

34 18

skizzz replied

You're right Munchkin, they should continue striking until every child agrees to quit beating up their EA's or better yet get EA's some mandatory karate classes included in their CBA. That should do it.

17 21

skizzz commented

Government has already made concessions on e-learning and class sizes, this is about money don't sugar coat it.

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Provincewide education strike to impact 5,000 schools across 72 boards next week

Provincewide education strike to impact 5,000 schools across 72 boards next week

Local News |

skizzz commented

Wanna save some real money in the budget? Get rid of the Catholic school board, reduce duplication in administrative roles and find efficiencies by operating under one public system. Taxpayers should not be footing the bill to send kids to Catholic schools. Sure, offer religion classes in the public system but if parents want their children in an all catholic school they should be privately run and paid for.

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