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Paul Marshal

Member since: Sep, 2017

Recent Comments

Shoemaker: Problem isn’t safe consumption sites, it’s Doug Ford

Shoemaker: Problem isn’t safe consumption sites, it’s Doug Ford

Local News |

Paul Marshal replied

Love the north, How many innocent hard working taxpayers, and young children are unnecessarily going to be threatened, assaulted, or killed by these individuals (addicts) while we continue to coddle and encourage bad behaviour at these consumption sites?
The answer isn’t and can never be let’s give them more of what made them the mess they’re in now. The answer starts and ends with accountability, treatment, get out and work and stay working or be faced with paying the price through a working justice system, not the one that sadly exists currently in our society.

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PODCAST: The Sault is not getting a safe consumption site

PODCAST: The Sault is not getting a safe consumption site

Today in the Soo |

Paul Marshal replied

It’s a simple opinion based on much of my own research and personal beliefs. You may want to do the same before making inappropriate rude remarks. Give me a break and get over your self-righteous position on this disaster plan of using hard working taxpayer dollars to fund a flawed program.
We are all getting played as fools and Ford said he’s had enough, and quite frankly I agree.

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Paul Marshal commented

This is a great plan to shut down these highly enabling consumption sites and going with the much more accountable HART program.

28 10 6

City moves to fill in Sackville Road ravine

City moves to fill in Sackville Road ravine

Local News |

Paul Marshal commented

Long overdue and great to see this plan finally come to fruition!!

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Council agrees to consider goose management program

Council agrees to consider goose management program

Local News |

Paul Marshal commented

Great idea and I hope the City can come with a plan to force these intrusive and quite often aggressive birds to relocate elsewhere. If it’s widespread across the province it might be logical to introduce provincial legislation to cull back the numbers before it’s too late.

11 18 3

Downtown Association pushes for crackdown on IV drug use

Downtown Association pushes for crackdown on IV drug use

Local News |

Paul Marshal replied

November Rain I concur with your sentiments 100%. If we don't wake up as a society and take back our cities, province and country, it will get to a point where we can't even step outside our front doors without being threatened by these criminals, regardless of where we live. I can see a some point a huge vigilante movement rising up and taking charge if the justice system doesn't. I'm done with this 'poor them' rhetoric. It's pure garbage being shoved down out throats by liberal leftists.

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Paul Marshal commented

It’s time get tough and follow the law or pay the price period!! Do the crime, you do the time. This senseless safe injection strategy is nothing more than a band aid solution. Off the streets is the first order to any logical solution, unless the law is broken, then face the justice system. Followed by intense controlled detox rehab, and the final stage which is obvious to me, they MUST seek employment. If employment is not found immediately, then get them working cleaning up the mess in our downtown core made by the in the first place. I’ve had enough of this poor them, what about poor us, the good old honest hard working taxpayer that has to be subjected to the lawlessness that exists with this group.

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Live north of the city? You won't have any power tomorrow

Live north of the city? You won't have any power tomorrow

Local News |

Paul Marshal commented

What about planning these repairs on a night shift (9pm-7am or in and around that time) so people are less impacted by a full day of no power.
Poos planning and llack of logical thinking IMO

5 2 3

'Everything we hoped': Renowned choir celebrates 50 years of music

'Everything we hoped': Renowned choir celebrates 50 years of music

Local Entertainment |

Paul Marshal commented

Absolutely phenomenal performance by all the choir participants. Nice to see grade school and high school staff encouraging our youth to get actively involved in music. Keep up the great work!

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Pop-up shops? Water taxis? See what our revamped riverfront might look like

Pop-up shops? Water taxis? See what our revamped riverfront might look like

Local News |

Paul Marshal commented

Some great suggestions to enhance the existing beauty of our waterfront.
The big issue will be to find the massive dollars needed to bring this to fruition. However credit to our tourism and community development team for a putting forward such a great concept.

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